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03-15-2006, 06:18 AM
i asked a while back about mixing SG with water as a detail spray :think: cant find that post now :furious: can anyone remind of the mixture and if it works

im in the process of trying to 4 or layers of SG on my car over the next few days , and need to QD the car in between layers, would any of the following work with sealant glaze?? mothers show time, zaino z6 or megs speed detail?

i know about the sonus glanz but i simply cant be buying any more stuff right now :scared: :hairpull

btw does klasse have a website? or any good links to read about it (already seen the autopia write up) :clap:

Setec Astronomy
03-15-2006, 06:28 AM
Um...http://autopia.org/forum/showthread.php?t=67725...just go to your own profile and click on "Find all threads started by steveo3002".

03-15-2006, 06:42 AM
okay thanks for that

03-15-2006, 06:52 AM
Yah I asked that same question few weeks ago and everyone was clueless :doh s

03-15-2006, 07:00 AM
The ratio is 1 : 3 :welcome

03-15-2006, 07:37 AM
Can the home-brew KSG-QD be used on top of polymer sealants like UPP/UPPS? My assumption is that layers of acrylic would be more durable.

03-15-2006, 09:21 AM
i asked a while back about mixing SG with water as a detail spray :think: cant find that post now :furious: can anyone remind of the mixture and if it works

im in the process of trying to 4 or layers of SG on my car over the next few days , and need to QD the car in between layers, would any of the following work with sealant glaze?? mothers show time, zaino z6 or megs speed detail?

i know about the sonus glanz but i simply cant be buying any more stuff right now :scared: :hairpull

btw does klasse have a website? or any good links to read about it (already seen the autopia write up) :clap:

I use the 1:3 ratio with distilled water all the time. It works really well as a gloss enhancement and it adds a tad more lsp each time you use it. However, it has little cleaning ability so is not a true QD. It is best to use a mister bottle rather than a spray bottle with the homebrew.

I have found that 3x SG is about all that is necessary as I don`t think more layers is worth the trouble. Be sure to let the SG cure about 24 hours between layers and try to keep your car in the garage between layers. If you get the car dirty or even dusty between layers you will have problems. You do not have to wait to apply SG after your AIO, it is just between the SG applications themselves.

03-15-2006, 11:15 AM
What if cars that sit out side 24/7? Say, if I applied SG and next day I want to reapply another layer, but at same time my car its been sat outside. Can I rewash it then reapply another layer?

03-15-2006, 01:13 PM
What if cars that sit out side 24/7? Say, if I applied SG and next day I want to reapply another layer, but at same time my car its been sat outside. Can I rewash it then reapply another layer?

thats the reason im asking about a compatible detail spray....its gona suck washing the car everyday just to get a few layers of sg on, my car only gets slight dust and dew on it overnight

03-15-2006, 01:21 PM
thats the reason im asking about a compatible detail spray....its gona suck washing the car everyday just to get a few layers of sg on, my car only gets slight dust and dew on it overnight

You could go with some PB`s S&W instead of a full wash. A high lubricity qd without any polymer additives would probably work too. There is also the no-rinse-washes like QEW, ONRWS, and the new Detailer`s Pride rinseless wash that could handle more dust/dirt.

03-15-2006, 02:53 PM
I`ve never heard of the SG as a QD, but I think I remeber reading something about AIO being mixed w/ distilled water as a QD. Anyone? Same ratio?

03-16-2006, 02:29 AM
I use it neat with no probs on paint, wheels and glass though polylack nano seal and acrylic jett are superior alternatives

03-16-2006, 05:11 AM
thats the reason im asking about a compatible detail spray....its gona suck washing the car everyday just to get a few layers of sg on, my car only gets slight dust and dew on it overnight

If you must leave the car out or have to drive it between applications of SG the QEW recommended is a good alternative as it is much easier than a full shampoo. Also, I second the PoorBoys S&W. Since the car is going to be clean anyway except for minor dirt and dust, a spray down with this product is all you need to get it ready for the next application of SG. Or, a third alternative is to put one coat of SG on and then put another on after your next normal wash (I assume being a autopian, you wash at least every couple weeks or so). One coat of SG will do you just fine until then. After your next couple of washes just apply SG after each wash. Within a few weeks you can have protection that will last up to half a year - or more.

03-16-2006, 07:43 AM
thats the reason im asking about a compatible detail spray....its gona suck washing the car everyday just to get a few layers of sg on, my car only gets slight dust and dew on it overnight

If you simply want to layer SG, there`s no need to wait 24 hours like some claim. In several tests I`ve run waiting gained absolutely nothing over immediate layering. Neither gloss nor durability were enhanced.

But if you`re going to wait and leave the car outside to get dusty and dirty, then you probably should wash the car before doing the next layer.

03-16-2006, 08:20 AM
You could go with some PB`s S&W instead of a full wash. A high lubricity qd without any polymer additives would probably work too. There is also the no-rinse-washes like QEW, ONRWS, and the new Detailer`s Pride rinseless wash that could handle more dust/dirt.

I forgot to mention that the slight drawback to the no-rinse-washes is that they usually leave something behind--whether it is a wax (QEW) or polymers. This could ultimately affect the complete bonding of SG, but I`ve never used NRWs when layering SG.