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03-14-2006, 09:03 AM

I think I`m gonna get a license plate bracket... :)

03-14-2006, 09:16 AM
One of my biggest pet peeves is slow left-lane drivers. I am a speeder (by nature, I love fast driving) and nothing aggrivates me more than peeps that use the left lane as their slow crusing lane, and then fail to see the need to move over when other people (besides myself) are passing them on the right.

As fast as I drive normally, I will still move over in the rare instance someone is coming up behind me and would like to pass. Anyway, just amazing at the people that do not adhere to common courtesy while driving and rules of the road. :nixweiss


03-14-2006, 01:03 PM
IBSomeoneClaims"IfImDoingTheSpeedLimitICanBlockThePassingLaneAllIW ant"

It almost never fails, and it`s also against the law in most states now. It doesn`t matter if you`re doing 20 over; if there`s someone behind you that wants to go faster, you are slower traffic and should move right.


03-14-2006, 06:31 PM
In Texas, it is posted "Left lane for passing only" on the interstates and in town, you will see "slower traffic keep right". However, I have yet to see someone actually get pulled over for it.

I can`t stand those nimrods who get on the freeway and make a beeline for the left lane cutting off as many drivers as humanly possible and then plant their sorry butt there until 1/4 mile before their exit, where they again cut off anyone and everyone in their hurry to exit. :mad:

03-16-2006, 10:07 AM
I`m in full agreement. I live in Austin and can verify that Texas has the signs. However, there is an apparent illiteracy problem.

Another gripe....turn signals. They were put on you car for a reason...so you don`t have to stick your hand out the window to let the other drivers know to watch your spectacular car handling skills. Quit drifting from lane to lane and give the rest of us a little heads up.

03-16-2006, 03:42 PM
I don`t know which is worse: the drivers who get in the left lane and slow down traffic, or the idiots who tailgate them within inches of their rear bumpers. I think the courtesy that used to be considered common is lacking on both sides of this argument.

Ben Kenobi
03-17-2006, 10:06 PM
Oh where do I start? My wife and I just returned from a driving vacation to Florida and the stories I could tell. Round trip was approximately 3000 miles and I think I saw every kind of bad driving imaginable. If anyone else is a long time Car & Driver reader you`ll recognize some of the terms. I had drifters, LLB`s (Left Lane Bandits) who think it was written in the constitution that they can sit in the left lane as long as they want. What else.. oh yes, people who don`t think they need to signal at all when changing lanes. Maybe they were optional on their cars or they`re using physic signals as my wife would say. I had more close calls when going to change lanes and they`d just pull out in front of me. Gee thanks, I really needed to see how good my brakes are!

I did happen upon like minded Autopian type drivers who did signal LLB`s sitting in the left to move so traffic could get by. It was amazing to see what happened when you had two slow moving cars in both lanes. I looked back at one point and traffic had piled up over half a mile.

Coming home we hit torrential rain through Lexington, KY for over an hour. Do people think to turn on their lights? Noooo... instead you almost run into them as they plod along.

Ok, I think I have ranted enough, one last point... if the moron in the Mercedes ML SUV from Indiana is reading this that cut me off on the ramp in Columbus, OH is reading this pray I never see you again MOFO. You won`t be laughing so much when I kick the living crap out of you!

Whew, I feel better now! Other than that it was a great vacation. Major bust on hitting Advance, Autozone and Tar-Jay for clearance items though.


03-18-2006, 12:08 PM
Ben-sounds just like what I go through at least 3-4 times a year on long road trips. It never fails to amaze me how many utterly incompetent drivers there are.

03-18-2006, 01:06 PM
A person driving slow on the highway is more likely to cause an accident then someone speeding especially when they are driving slow in the left lane.

I can not begin to explain how much the slow left hand lane driver bothers me. :furious: If traffic is flowing at a good pace on the hwy at 70-75mph and someone is doing 55-60mph this causes a major problem. Usually people are slamming the brakes as they come up on this person and others are swerving to get around them. The person thinks they are being "safe" by driving slowly when in retrospect they are likely to cause someone to be killed. The problem is much more severe when this "safe" driver is in the left lane.

Get a clue you freaking idiots and quit thinking you are being safe. If you want to drive slow get off of the interstate and take the 55mph highways.

But who am I telling here, we all agree on this :nixweiss

03-18-2006, 03:53 PM
I think I`m gonna get a license plate bracket for the Nissan. Maybe I can help educate a few people out there, though I doubt it.


Lately what`s been bothering me is the chumpos in like Corollas and Civics who seem to tailgate the crap out of me when I drive the Corvette.

03-18-2006, 04:29 PM
I think I`m gonna get a license plate bracket for the Nissan. Maybe I can help educate a few people out there, though I doubt it.


I just ordered one :xyxthumbs

03-19-2006, 06:51 AM
When I drive I respect others on the road, I have learned long ago to try to understand, we all have to live together so why not be thoughtful to others.

There is people that are old and can’t see that good, people learning how to drive, there people who are stoned and there is people who’s cars have hardly no power. People who make a living on the road and the worse type of drivers are commuters. But the worse type of all is people who are mentally insane and when I talk about insane I mean INSANE. Insane people are so far out of present time only if you knew how abnormal they really are you would steer clear of them. 5% of the population is insane but it’s that 5% that makes over 20% of us to go insane. Don’t be affected by someone actions, stay focused, other words don’t go to the dark side of hate.

03-19-2006, 08:22 AM
Oh where do I start? My wife and I just returned from a driving vacation to Florida and the stories I could tell. Round trip was approximately 3000 miles and I think I saw every kind of bad driving imaginable. If anyone else is a long time Car & Driver reader you`ll recognize some of the terms. I had drifters, LLB`s (Left Lane Bandits) who think it was written in the constitution that they can sit in the left lane as long as they want. What else.. oh yes, people who don`t think they need to signal at all when changing lanes...

Actually, in Florida, you don`t! Turn signals are only required changing direction (i.e. making a left hand turn into a parking lot, or a right hand turn onto another street). It`s another of our quirky laws that drives me nuts.

That said, I`m one of maybe a dozen Floridians who signals lane changes. Funny, but being a motorcyclist (which brings "defensive driving" a whole new meaning) does a lot to motivate you as a safe driver. I`ve also installed side marker lights from the European version of my 300M on my car, just to make it even MORE evident that I`m using my turn signals. I recently picked up JDM SMLs for my Toyota P/U, but haven`t yet installed them. Too many spring concerts and business trips giving me too little time on the weekends to get a round tuit.

Another strange law (thankfully, not enforced) - all vehicles are required to have two front headlamps. What`s strange with that? I`m a motorcyclist, remember? There`s another section of the vehicle code that states that motorcycles may have 1 or 2 headlights, but that doesn`t take precedence over the place in the vehicle code that states all vehicles must have 2 headlights, and of course, a motorcycle is a vehicle.

Another weird law - it`s legal to have amber brake lights!

We are required, by law, to have our lights on when it`s raining. However, it`s kind of like gun and morality laws. You can`t legislate good driving habits, and when you do, only good drivers will abide by them. The laws are meaningless if they`re not enforced, and with all the other crime going on out there, I`m not sure I want such petty things as wiper laws taking up the time of our constables.

Anyway, glad you had a safe trip.

03-19-2006, 08:35 AM

I think I`m gonna get a license plate bracket... :)

I remember they used to sell windshield banners that said "Slower traffic keep right" in reverse lettering. That way it would read normal in someones rear view mirror. Wonder if they still make those?

Anyway, here`s another web site with a similar campaign:

The Slower Traffic Keep Right Campaign Headquarters (http://thefunnybone.com/slower/slower.shtml)


Google is wonderfull. "Free Sticker" after a "small donation" to

Slower traffic keep right

5410 Burr Oak

Houston, TX 77092

Picture here (http://www.turbochargers.com/SlowerTraffic.htm). "Please help the police and the traffic flow by displaying the sticker."

OK, so I`m at a bit of a loss - what`s a suitable "small donation" for a "free sticker?" I want 2.

Ben Kenobi
03-21-2006, 12:10 PM
Thanks for everyones comments. I agree it is hard to legislate and enforce people to be good drivers. I tried to not let it bug me when I ran across these idiots and just said a few choice words that my wife is well aquainted with! A couple of interesting sights I forgot to mention. Chatted with a gent at one of the many fine rest areas on the Interstates (boy Canada could take some lessons there!) and he said basically you`re good for about 10 Mph over the limit. I stuck to that pretty much and had no trouble.

Coming home we`re driving through Kentucky and this newer Impala blows by at around 80-85. This is in a 65 Mph zone mind you. I thought "If the highway patrol is out they`re going to get he gunk out of you!" (Old Bill Cosby piece, still very funny) Sure enough about 2 miles down the road there are some nice flashing blue lights over on the shoulder. Yes campers it`s the HP with the Impala pulled over. We waved as we went by, driver didn`t look too happy. Hey, I have a leadfoot myself but I know not when to be stupid on the road. Took me many years, many tickets and a consficated radar detector to learn how to speed more stealthily.

Another not so happy sight was coming upon a Nissan 350Z (Le Mans Sunset) that had spun out and was between the bank of a bridge and a light pole in Ohio. The passenger side was banged up all the way down the side but the driver looked to be ok. A few cars had stopped to help, it hurt to see such a beautiful car damaged like that. I would have stopped but it was on the other side of the Interstate.

Well that is about it, overall the trip was great and it was an experience driving down and back. Scott, if you do those runs quite often and haven`t gone insane my hat is off to you! One last thing I wanted to say is that everyone that I dealt with be it at a store, gas station, restaurant was very polite and helpful. I don`t know why people in my area say Canadians are more polite, I find the opposite at times but then again I do live near Toronto. I wish customer service was as good in Canada as it is in the U.S.

Ciao! :ca