View Full Version : Anyone heard of Chemicar?

03-10-2006, 12:20 PM
I`ve had an email from a rep at Chemicar who mentioned that are the manufacturer of Optimum car care products. Now I was under the impression that Optimum Polymer Technologies was the manufacturer of these products? Looking at the address (physical location) they are fairly close to each other so now I`m not too sure.

The webaddress is http://www.chemicar.com

It certainly looks legitimate enough so could anyone throw some light on the subject? :)

Any info would be very much appreciated, ta.


03-10-2006, 12:48 PM
First, let me state that I have no knowledge of any linkage between Chemicar and Optimum.

I don`t think there is anything unusual in the practice of having another manufacturer actually take bulk raw ingredients and process those into another company`s final product. This process of subcontracting out the actual manufacturing process is widely used by many other industries besides car care chemicals.

Optimum may not have the capital or facilities to actually make (process) raw ingredients into final products on a large enough scale to satisfy its retail demands. Optimum may do all their own R&D in-house and has a subcontractor that can meet all of it`s product specifications who actually manufactures and packages their finished products.

03-10-2006, 01:46 PM
First, let me state that I have no knowledge of any linkage between Chemicar and Optimum.

I don`t think there is anything unusual in the practice of having another manufacturer actually take bulk raw ingredients and process those into another company`s final product. This process of subcontracting out the actual manufacturing process is widely used by many other industries besides car care chemicals.

Optimum may not have the capital or facilities to actually make (process) raw ingredients into final products on a large enough scale to satisfy its retail demands. Optimum may do all their own R&D in-house and has a subcontractor that can meet all of it`s product specifications who actually manufactures and packages their finished products.

Are you speaking on behalf of Chemicar or something? It was a simple question thats all. As it turns out, the MSDS sheets hosted on Chemicar with regards to the Optimum products are all headered `Optimum Polymer Technologies`. For all I know Chemicar may just be the retail arm of OPT.




03-10-2006, 01:52 PM
Are you speaking on behalf of Chemicar or something? It was a simple question thats all. As it turns out, the MSDS sheets hosted on Chemicar with regards to the Optimum products are all headered `Optimum Polymer Technologies`. For all I know Chemicar may just be the retail arm of OPT.




I think he was just trying to answer your question.

03-10-2006, 01:57 PM
I think he was just trying to answer your question.

The question was not answered - just some speculation with regards how Chemicar may manufacturer products on behalf of OPT or not. There is quite clearly a linkage between the two. Please do not get me wrong, I am a buyer for OPT products and received price lists from both companies. I was just curious if its actually the same company and there has been an administrative error. I did not want to ask company direct until I received some third party information to confirm or deny any linkage before requesting information.


03-10-2006, 01:59 PM
Thanks for the info. Hard to say, I think they just sell the stuff, but who knows.

03-10-2006, 02:34 PM
Thanks for the info. Hard to say, I think they just sell the stuff, but who knows.

Yup, looks like a pretty good company with a slick web site - just somewhat surprised there is no mention of them on Autopia. Their distributor price lists are near identical which leads me to believe Chemicar are not just a distributor and their physical locations are also within reasonable distance of each other so I was wanting to know some information about the two (in other words just wondering who to order from).


the other pc
03-10-2006, 02:42 PM
Had your specific question been, "what`s the nature of the relationship between Chemicar and Optimum Polymer Technologies" then no, chml17l`s response would not have been the answer.

But your question was "could anyone throw some light on the subject?" and for the subject in general terms chml17l`s response was spot on. It`s very common for a company that develops and markets a product, especially a chemical product, to have it manufactured by someone else. Heck, that`s common in every industry but it`s really the norm in the chemical biz.

If you read OPT`s site there is no statement or implication of any kind that suggests they have their own manufacturing facilities.

Chemicar specifically states that they manufacture products and they private label products for other people.

So no, we don`t know, based on personal knowledge or from reading either Chemicar`s or OPT`s site, whether it`s the case for these specific products or not but its is absolutely plausible.


03-10-2006, 04:21 PM
You know, its odd how you read a reply and then think one thing and then when you read it again it actually neatly falls into place.

I apologise for the curt response but for some reason completely unbeknown to me I read it as Chemicar completely denying any linkage to OPT; odd thing thing is - when I read chml17l opening sentence again it now holds a completely different context.

Chml171, please accept my apologies and I will make a mental note to more thoroughly read replies in future. :)

Must be the user name. ;) :D

03-10-2006, 04:42 PM
I e-mailed them and this is what they said:

We are basically the same company. David does all the production at Optimum and I do the logistics . The sales are split up with Optimum concentrating on the Car Wash and Car detailers and Chemicar marketing to Body Shops and Export.

03-10-2006, 05:39 PM
I e-mailed them and this is what they said:

We are basically the same company. David does all the production at Optimum and I do the logistics . The sales are split up with Optimum concentrating on the Car Wash and Car detailers and Chemicar marketing to Body Shops and Export.

Brilliant thanks!

03-10-2006, 07:48 PM
My understanding is that Optimum currently outsources the manufacturing of their products but is looking to build their own facilities.

03-10-2006, 07:59 PM
Trying to remeber where New York Street is, in Memphis. Sounds like downtown. I know there are a couple of mempho`s here on the forum. Anyway optimum is good stuff, hey it`s from memphis :D

09-15-2006, 02:24 PM
Sorry to revive an old thread, but I was doing some searches today on Google to see if I could source Optimum polish/compound locally (Memphis) and the first website that popped up in my Google search was Chemicar. So, I searched here, and this is the only thread about the company I found.

New York Street is more in midtown, off of Central Ave and Parkway (near the fairgrounds). I may try to drop by there sometime as I love being able to buy good products locally. Seems more and more of the good stuff can be found in your own backyard, with a bit of digging. :)

Has anyone locally been to the Chemicar location?