View Full Version : Wal-mart "microtex" MF vs Excel Detailing MF

02-20-2005, 09:54 PM
I did a comparison of the Walmart polishing towels you can buy in the 6-pack for $6 sold under the Microtex brand name, and the MF you can get from Excel Detail ( http://www.exceldetail.com ) from Patrick (since that`s all I have to compare).

At first they look the same, but if you inspect the tag you see that Excel`s are 80% Polyester and 20% polyamide, while the Microtex are 70% polyester and 30% polyamide. I don`t know if that`s good or bad or neither.

Next I noticed that Excel`s towels felt more substantial and as I dug into that it seems that Excel`s are much thicker and more plush feeling while the Microtex are thinner, but more tacky. They stuck more to my dry skin and acted a bit like velcro while Excel`s were more soft and towel-like.

Next I tried the scratch test on the most scratch prone thing I have - our formally "nice" dining room table made of dark wood. After getting it we found it scratched from the slightest thing - even running finger over dust on it.

Under a bright light I used both towels and rubbed them on the surface - nothing for either. Then I used a terry dish towel and got scratches. A win for MF!

Next I tried the scratch test on my paint - no scratches for either.

I`ll continue to use Excel`s for my major work because they`re easier to use and feel better.

02-20-2005, 10:51 PM
This is very good news, as I`m borderline on purchasing the Microtex large drying towel, and their 5 pack of detailing towels. Thanks for the review!

02-20-2005, 11:18 PM
ive used their large drying towel and i must say its very good. the microtex drying towel is very plush and also very soft... i use em for drying, spray and wipe and buffing... its a big win in my situation considering i hate the feelign of paying and then waiting a day for delivery... lol... impatient... i havent used the microtex 6pack yet, as i havent seen em in any walmart...

02-21-2005, 06:22 AM
When I first got into microfiber all I used was the walmart microtex brand. At the time I didn`t really understand the differences in microfiber and what it was all about. While the walmart towels or ok, they`re just that. I experienced linting and some minor scratching problems from the microtex towels. While the price is great at $1.00 a towel, I no longer use these towels. Bottom line is you get what you pay for. I would say that any quality vendor selling microfiber has better towels than walmart.

02-21-2005, 09:17 AM
This is very good news, as I`m borderline on purchasing the Microtex large drying towel, and their 5 pack of detailing towels. Thanks for the review!
I have about 4 of those towels now. They are great. I use a couple for drying, a couple for Detail Spray, and one for general use. I think they get a bad rap just because they come from Wal-Mart and don`t cost $15 a pop, but they really are good towels. I`d say get one or two.

02-21-2005, 10:29 AM
The large drying towel was mismarked at our local Wal*Mart and They sold me two of them for about $5 each.
Some observations.
1. Soft & Plush
2. IMO, they don`t absorb as much water as some MF towels of that size.
3. I wasn`t too impressed with them for drying the vehicle after a bucket wash.
4. They seem to improve somewhat after 3 or 4 washings. And yes, I did wash them before the first use. I no longer use them for drying.
5. I have used them several times with Spray & Wipe and I do think they work great for that.
6. Probably a good deal at the less than $7 price, but IMO not the greatest thing in MF`s.

Our Wal*Mart has an 8 pack of MF towels for $4.81 and they didn`t look/feel bad at all. I didn`t buy any since I already have quite a few PakShak and PAC MF`s.
One thing to keep in mind. Wal*Mart is known for price, not quality. :dunno


Bill D
02-21-2005, 10:35 AM
One thing to keep in mind. Wal*Mart is known for price, not quality. :dunno

This is so true Charles. I`m just way to wary to try things like these on paint. Maybe as fancier shop rags :dunno