View Full Version : What do I do with this?

03-09-2006, 11:37 AM
I hate pollen. Every year I have to watch this stuff deposit itself on my freshly washed cars and make them instantly look like crap. I`m amazed at how small pollen is, yet how fast it can layer onto a car and turn it yellow. How do I combat this? Rinsing then drying seems to only cause water spots and swirls. Rinse then QD? Anyone have any good tips for Springtime? I love the weather, and today is especially nice, but man do I hate yellow cars and sneezing. Here is a shot of my truck today, and oh yeah I love the 2 minute rainshower that creates the awesome looking pollen spots...


03-09-2006, 11:45 AM
That pic reminds me of when I had the Volvo outside 24/7/52. I bet this is not the answer you`re after, but I just washed it as needed (which was sometimes quite frequently).

Hey, Moe!
03-09-2006, 11:54 AM
Tasty - It`s your problem now, mine later (April-May). I hesitate to QD any more than the thinnest layer of pollen, and I gotta believe that there is no such thing as a thin layer of pollen.

As Acculmulator said, I just wash more often. Guess that`s all you can do. I just smile and think, "It could still be winter."

03-09-2006, 12:03 PM
This is what I assumed would be my course of action, but thanks for confirming it! I guess we all get to despise the stuff for a while each year. I guess dragging this (http://wilfred.berkeley.edu/~webpage/backgrounds/Daisy-640-480.jpg) across the paint could be bad on a microscopic level.

03-09-2006, 12:12 PM
Tasty I share your frustration with the stuff. I washed my car in the morning before heading to work and by noon it was layered with pollen. Fortunately the color of my car does not show the full effect of it but it is very noticeable on the tinted windows.

Today it is very windy and it is supposed to rain hard this evening. Hopefully this will knock a good deal of it out of the trees and it won`t be as bad afterwards.