View Full Version : recent death

03-06-2006, 08:14 PM
i just wanted to post this here because it happened to an ex of mine who i dated over the summer an posted about as well. her mom just died last night. She was no more than 55 years old and was one of the nicest moms i have ever met in my life. she was strict with them but she raised three great daughters (18 yr old, 16yr old and 12 yr old) their family was extremely tight and i can`t even imagine what they must be going through. the cause is unknown as of now and she apparently went to sleep and did not wake up later that night. I ask you all to consider their family in your prayers because this is a loss i cannot honestly put into words. i have been on good terms with her and we had our differences after our breakup but we are very close right now and any help she can get would make a huge difference, thanks guys.