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03-04-2006, 09:01 AM

I was feeling slightly under the weather today and had given the car a full clay, de tar on friday.

Since then it was just sitting in the garage, so this brings us to today.

I was thinking what was easy to put on, didn`t require much curing time, looked good on blue and offered protection for maybe 2/3 weeks when I may get a chance to give her the once over with the rotary :buffer:

So I went in and QD`d the whole car with NXT, after using snowfoam, body solvent and clay the car was feeling a little dry as you can imagine.

Well I applied the EX with clearkote applicators, skimmed them across the thick parts to reduce the amount of product clinging to my MF`s. Let it set up, maybe 15 minutes and removed.

Next up I applied the OCW, sprayed on a panel at a time and buffed off.

Probably took about 30 minutes as I was in no rush, just took my time.

The bonnet has collinite 476s on the right and collinite 845 on the left (testing the differences).

Afters only cos im lazy and never took befores.




I will take her outside when its not so cold as I know the garage can make it appear wetter than it is, but the lights don`t tend to mask defects which is good!


03-04-2006, 09:09 AM
Your car always amazes me - I love the color!!

03-04-2006, 09:16 AM
Lol thanks Josh, ill swap ya colours I wouldn`t mind red for a while !!

03-04-2006, 09:17 AM
Lol thanks Josh, ill swap ya colours I wouldn`t mind red for a while !!

Careful what you wish for - My post in car and driver! :grinno: We can just swap cars haha Im on my way to Scotland :woohoo:

03-04-2006, 09:20 AM
Beautiful work!

03-04-2006, 09:23 AM
Thanks Danase I like the pic!

Josh lol, that scooby is nice I have a friend that has the prodrive model. 450BHP I think.

I dunno how I would handle the left hand drive but I am sure it would be fine! lol.

03-04-2006, 09:55 AM
I like the picture also!!

I agree with Danase. Beautiful work!!

03-04-2006, 10:41 AM
Looks great under those lights. Your garage setup is real nice. Keep use updated on your comparison.

I`d like to hear more about the snow foam. I think I have seen pictures and I believe it is a super foaming car wash soap? Can you post a link to it?

Is it harsh, slick, etc... You know, the basic questions. (That`s if it is a soap)

03-04-2006, 11:00 AM
Hey guys thanks for the support.

Yeah spilchy it looks good under the lights BUT the real test it the midday sun, so hopefully pull her out the garage to take some pics maybe tomorrow.

The Snowfoam is part soap part TFR. It is pretty harsh but does clean well, I would suggest this to anyone who doesn`t mind waxing every three or so washes.

As for a link its on the www.autobrite.co.uk website.

If you have ever seen the car wash guys spray down a car with foam then this is the kind of idea except its not as harsh, plus its a bit of fun spraying plants and any passers by. lol.

03-04-2006, 01:05 PM
The paint looks damn near perfect :cool:

03-04-2006, 09:36 PM
The paint looks damn near perfect :cool:

Agreed, super wet looking too. :woot:

03-05-2006, 06:27 AM
Thanks guys, just gonna take it out the garage with some sun shots when I get a bit of time.

03-05-2006, 11:03 AM
Nice finish on very good paint. Superb JJ_ :xyxthumbs

03-05-2006, 05:30 PM
Very wet looking. Digging the new garage, are we? :)

03-06-2006, 03:58 AM
Lol yeh Lee, I really love it. I have been adding things to it just to dry the mitts etc like drying rails etc.

I got some outside pics today with some harsh sun, pretty pleased as I still have to do a polish on the paint.





