View Full Version : Blending Clearcoat Line by Wetsanding?

03-04-2006, 08:11 AM
My 96 Explorer had moldings running down each side, so I decided to take them off for a cleaner look, but on the drivers side I discovered a problem. It looks like in the past the vehicle had some body work done from an accident and had the clear resprayed. Once I took of the molding a line of the new clear from the edge of the molding was visible as you can see in the photo below (clearcoat edge line is right under the door indentation in the center, line is most visible on the right side of the photo. this was the best photo i could get!). So I was wondering if this line can be blended in by wetsanding, so it is not as noticeable.

My plan of attack was to wetsand with maybe 2000 to smooth out the line and then follow up with a compound with wool pad on a rotary and the polish it out. Since this would be my first wetsanding attempt, my questions are:

1) For all you wetsanding experts, would I be able to blend this line successfully by wetsanding, and which grit(s) paper would you recommend?

2)Which of these 2 brand compounds would you choose to tackle the sanding marks. I was looking at either the Optimum Hyper Compound or one of Meguiars?

3)Any other tips, opinions, or recommendations for someone wetsanding something like this for the first time. I have had this truck for about 6 years, so this clear coat is probably a little older then that.


thanks for all the help

03-04-2006, 12:23 PM
I think you could definetly improve it with wetsanding, maybe not get it 100% perfect. I`d order Meguiars unigrit papers in 1500 and 3000 grit, start with 1500, go gently, only make a few passes until the line is less noticeable. Finish with the 3000 until it`s almost not there, then polish out. If you could only choose between those two, I`d use OHC. However, if you`re willing to expand your options a bit, Menzerna Powergloss is IMHO the best heavy compound on the market.

Ron Harris
03-04-2006, 08:14 PM
Your going to need to use a sanding block. A flexible one. Soak your paper in fresh water with a little soap for 30 minuets. You can use your wash soap cut the amount you use in half. The soap will act as a lube.

You will want to sand on the edge of the line. Knock down as much as possible. Then try to sand and blend the line. If you sand on top of the line you will be removing you factory clear that is next to the repaint. By starting on the line you will be removing the excess.

After you knock this down some then you can start to feather it in with further sanding.

I would Recomend the Optimum Hyper Compound. with a wool pad. Not the twisted wool the combed wool.

03-05-2006, 10:47 AM
Thanks for the replys

My plan is to order the Meguiars unigrit papers and their flexible backing pad. I was gonna use a mix of QEW in a spray bottle since i have a ton of it. The reason why i was asking about them 2 compounds is because I already have OCP and #83, #80 & #82 polishes, so I thought it would be better to stay in the same lines. I will take your guys advise and look in the OHC since this seems to be easier to use then Meguiars Compounds. How is OHC at removing 1000-1500 grit sanding marks.

Also, why would comed wool be better then a twisted wool pad? What brand makes a comed wool pad? I was going to order the Meguiars Wool pad when i ordered the papers and by the picture it looks like a twisted wool pad.

thanks for the help

03-05-2006, 12:14 PM
What is comed???

Ron Harris
03-05-2006, 01:30 PM
Thanks for the replys

My plan is to order the Meguiars unigrit papers and their flexible backing pad. I was gonna use a mix of QEW in a spray bottle since i have a ton of it. The reason why i was asking about them 2 compounds is because I already have OCP and #83, #80 & #82 polishes, so I thought it would be better to stay in the same lines. I will take your guys advise and look in the OHC since this seems to be easier to use then Meguiars Compounds. How is OHC at removing 1000-1500 grit sanding marks.

Also, why would comed wool be better then a twisted wool pad? What brand makes a comed wool pad? I was going to order the Meguiars Wool pad when i ordered the papers and by the picture it looks like a twisted wool pad.

thanks for the help

I would finish sanding with 2000 to 3000 grit not 1500.

Combed Lambs Wool or pre washed Lambs Wool pads are softer than the twisted poly wool blends. This type of pad will produce less swirling.

03-05-2006, 02:41 PM
Ah, comBed... How could I... ehheheh ;) :chuckle: But both you and SR wrote comed and I began to question my English knowledge/vocabulary...

Yep, I know what it is... but thanks Ron!

03-05-2006, 06:42 PM

Who makes combed wool pads?

Ron Harris
03-06-2006, 04:47 AM
Lake Country. There listed as a pre washed Lambs Wool.