View Full Version : cracked bumper paint ?

03-01-2006, 05:51 PM
My back bumper was hit today by someone that did not see me? The only damage was a small dent and cracked paint on the dent.( total size 1-2") Would this have to be repainted? (Total or touch up) I am guessing the crack might get worse by water getting in there and freezing etc. Can this type of plastic be fixed? Any ideas? Thanks.

Please move if this post is in the wrong section!

03-01-2006, 06:49 PM
I would fix it with touch up paint. You don`t HAVE to do anything, but it isn`t too hard to fill in the crack with paint via a toothpick, and then sand/buff it down to the level of the surrounding paint. Even if you left it higher than the rest (no sanding), I think you`d still be better off than leaving the crack exposed.