View Full Version : :: Help Me Win Concours :: Part I (Master Checklist)

02-27-2006, 01:22 PM
This will end up being a multiple part process. I have a moderate amount of experience in detailing. I`ve been paid for several cars over the last year - probably 6-10. This will be my first year entering the concours competition, and I think it`s winnable.

Part I is compiling a checklist of components that need to be perfected, as they will be judged. Part II will be identifying the ideal process for certain components. After that, I`m unsure, other than taking tons of pictures to show you all what you`ve helped to do - perfect a beautiful M-tech BMW 328i.

So, first off - Part I - the Master Checklist.

I need your help coming up with a checklist - a checklist so long and so detailed, that an oversight is impossible. From listing every bodypanel individually, to the plastic trim pieces, to the surrounds for the electronic seat adjustments.

As far as techniques, we`ll leave them for after the list of items to address is complete.

So, add to my list. I will update this post with your additions from time to time.

Items to make perfect:


Front Bumper

Front Bumper Lip

Front Bumper Mesh





Top of Hood (surface)

Engine bay (no specifics under the hood)

Mouldings (front, rear, side)

Driver/Passenger front quarterpanels

Driver/Passenger front doors

D/P rear doors

D/P rear quarterpanels

Trunk Lid

M5 Lip

D/P Sideskirts

Rear Panel (surrounds bottom of trunklid)



Trunk Interior (spare wheel, etc - need specifics)

Rear Bumper



Door Handles

Side View Mirrors (body)

Side View Mirrors (mirrors)

Exterior B Pillars




D/P Front Windows

D/P Rear Windows (all 4)

Rear Window

Windshield Wipers

Fan Vents

Front Turn Signals



Wheel Wells




D/P Leather on Seats

D/P Headrests

Dash top

Deck/Climate Control/OBC Panels, screens, buttons

Air Vents

Main Instrument Cluster Glass

Steering Wheel

D/P Front Door Panels

A/B/C Pillars

D/P Rear Door Panels

Carpet all around

Front Seat bottom plastic

Front Seat controls

Shift Boot

Shift Knob

Center Console

Cup Holders

Change Dispensers

E-Brake Handle

E-Brake Boot


Glove Compartment

D/P Front Door Jambs

D/P Rear Door Jambs

D/P Front Door seals

D/P Rear Door Seals

Headliner (inc. sunroof)


Side windows X 6

Rear Window

Rear Seat Leather

Seat Belts/Buckles

Rear Vents

Rear "Dash"

3rd Brake light housings and surrounds

I know I`m forgetting stuff. Any additions you`d like to make?



02-27-2006, 03:04 PM
Let`s add a list of tools needed to get everything clean. I want to keep it bare minimum, ie. I can use my house`s vacuum cleaner instead of buying a shop vac, etc.

My current equipment list (what I have now):

PC orbital (forget the number - it`s the one everyone has)

2 yellow pads

2 orange pads

2 white pads

30 some odd microfibre towels

20 cotton towels

4x 500watt lamps


3x wash mits

a hose of sufficient length

versatile hose nozzle thing

4 buckets

water (:devillook )

Klasse All-In-One 32oz.

Klasse Sealang Glaze 32oz.

S100 (a p21s equivalent) wax

A tire shine spray by meguiars (fire or hot something)

Eagle One A-Z wheel cleaner

Clay Bar

Final Inspection QD

Dawn Soap

3M Finesse It II

3M Perfect it III

301 Aerospace Cleaner

301 Aerospace Protectant

Meguiars Leather Cleaner/Conditioner

Meguiars Gold Premium Car Wash Soap

Trim Shine

Orange Clean

Vacuum Cleaner

Rags of all sorts


Better Leather Conditioner

More S100/P21S

Other suggestions...



02-27-2006, 03:17 PM
I recommend you get a case of red bull and gatorade!

Good luck! :up

02-27-2006, 03:53 PM

02-27-2006, 09:07 PM
^^ Wow, that write-up is intense. Great resource!

02-28-2006, 07:29 AM
I recommend you get a case of red bull and gatorade!

Good luck! :up

Yeah, I`m all over that.

ZaneO - thanks for the great resource!

I`ll update the list with a few new discoveries later this afternoon. Please feel free to add anything that comes to mind! Thanks.


02-28-2006, 11:18 AM
Ahheck01- Welcome to Autopia. That might be a pretty big project! Let`s see...

You`re gonna need a floorjack and some jackstands, if only for pulling the wheels off (depending on how the judging is done in the given class, you might oughta be doing the undercarriage too). You`ll need something to dress the suspension/etc., the parts that you don`t polish/wax/etc.

If it has exposed lugnuts, make sure the corners aren`t chipped (might need a new set and a proper socket to keep them perfect). Have a torque wrench for tightening to spec.

Which of the many PI-III products are you planning on?

I would probably go with a glaze/carnuaba approach instead of the Klasse twins for a concours prep. And I`d probably want a different /additional QD that leaves some stuff behind.

You might need a metal polish for the exhaust and other natural-metal-finish things.

Watch that you don`t use a too-shiny tire dressing, they oughta look like they just popped out of the mold, not like they just went through some salad oil ;)

You`d probably find a steamcleaner handy.

You`ll definitely need a lot of brushes and swabs in various sizes/shapes and tools for taking some things apart in the engine compartment.

I oughta go check out ZaneO`s link as it probably covers everything I just thought of :o

02-28-2006, 12:51 PM
Actually, my buddy and I are pushing to get under the hood judged. Right now it`s just exterior, interior, and trunk/spare/battery/toolkit.

Why a glaze/wax instead of the klasse twins? I figured I`d do some light polishing with 3M Finesse it II, cleaning/polishing with AIO, and sealing with 3 or more layers of SG. Then perhaps some S100 wax as a finishing touch. Searching these forums leads me to believe that this is a very good combination for light colors. Do you disagree, and if so, why?

Thanks for your help,


02-28-2006, 01:24 PM
A glaze will help cover any small imperfections that didn`t get polished out.

02-28-2006, 02:06 PM
A glaze will help cover any small imperfections that didn`t get polished out.

Okay, well, which product(s) should I have in hand?

Thanks again,


02-28-2006, 06:30 PM
Also, in my experience you`re gonna need a finer polish (or two) after the FI-II. AIO won`t cut it (literaly, so pun intended).

You can get by without a glaze if (big "if") you can get the finish truly flawless. But I still wouldn`t use the Klasse twins because IMO they just don`t give the look that is best for this (no flames, I still use them on my minivan).

What color is it? Normally I wouldn`t care, but some colors do respond better/worse to some products (think Souveran on black).

FWIW, the best finish I`ve ever achieved (or seen) on silver was from multiple burnishings with 1Z Pro MP *after all the marring was removed with more aggressive products* followed by UPP sealant. Yep, a sealant, not the carnaubas I`m advising. But that was nice thick clear where I could get it perfect. Might not`ve been the best for a show though, as it was painful to look at in sunlight.

For the glaze route, there are a lot of choices these days, including the oldies but goodies from Meguiar`s (#3/#5/#7/#81). There`s a reason why #7 is called "showcar glaze" ;)

02-28-2006, 08:40 PM
Okay, I think I`m going to save the chemicals list for after I settle on methods. I will start a new thread for methods soon.

Thanks for all the input!
