View Full Version : Car Duster`s : Friend or Foe?

02-25-2006, 01:40 AM
Well At my new job we have a unpaved back lot, and lot`s of Semi`s driving and trucks kicking up dust left and right, park in a dif spot now so it`s not as bad but I keep the car duster in my car and before I leave for work I dust as the car warms and when I get home from work, and I Notice very fine swirls on the hood and roof in a pattern I dust the car :( :soscared:

I`m guessing it`s the intial dust I pick up from the dust that`s settled and it makes very fine scratches.

Hoping Sunday I can hand apply some polish and NXT Wax for a month till it gets warm enough to work in T-shirt and shorts I`m doing a full Dawn wash, and reg wash, Claying, Klasse AIO and Glaze,(do I polish when using Klasse?)then P21S Caranuba with a least 2 coat, this is just to hold me over till I can get it all ordered. :hifive:

And would it be safer to dust with a coat of wax on the car seeing as it`s been 3-4 months since last wax.... :doh

02-25-2006, 08:59 AM
I tend to avoid the car dusters...I`ve seen too much micro-marring.

do I polish when using Klasse?

Only if you need to. Test the surface (under flourescent lights) and see if you have swirls....if not skip the polishing and apply AIO by PC.

02-25-2006, 10:10 AM
I too would avoid the duster. I know some people use them without problems, but if you see marring then that`s that IMO. "Safer" wouldn`t be safe enough in my book. I never touch my cars unless I`m doing a full wash.

Since you see marring, I`d say a polishing *is* in order. AIO won`t remove such stuff. Make sure you use a polish with some abrasives in it, too many people buy stuff like Meg`s Deep Crystal Step #2 or #7/#81 and expect it to take out marring.

Remember that the AIO will clean off anything your polish leaves behind.

I wouldn`t bother with the Dawn wash, it won`t strip AIO or even a healthy coat of wax anyhow.

I wouldn`t top the SG with wax until you have a few layers of SG built up. I`d add one more after each wash for a while and consider topping it later (I no longer top my SG as I like to add more from time to time).

Oh, and I find incandescents and halogens a lot better for swirl-spotting than fluorescents.

02-25-2006, 10:20 AM
Oh, and I find incandescents and halogens a lot better for swirl-spotting than fluorescents.

Good point. I would agree. I guess I meant to say a powerful light source more than anything...

02-25-2006, 04:24 PM
so with the Sealant glaze I can just add to it after a wash and not have to go through the whole production everytime, that`s perfect for for me!

I thought u top it with a wax after it all, so does it shine better and protect then the wax and u can just buld on it every wash then top it with wax after a say 5 coats of more?