View Full Version : Girls and there Make-up! Help plz :) (make-up on leather)

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02-23-2006, 01:52 PM
How do I go about removing make up off black leather seats. My gf uses foundation somtimes before getting in my car leaving a kinda cloudy palm print on my seats.... :grrr

This drives me wild, and then she denies any wrong doings. Its also on the passenger door handle, but I take care of that on a monthly basis with AIO followed with sg and wax.... :rolleyes:

So anyways after much lexol cleaning and lexol treating most of it comes out, but still its there!

What solution can I use to get this stuff off after direct contact. I would like to have somthing like a quick detailer , and wipe to get it off like bird poop but im pretty sure that wont be happening, so any info would be fanstico!



02-23-2006, 02:00 PM
What solution can I use train... errr I mean educate your girlfriend regarding the situation :D

02-23-2006, 02:06 PM
train... errr I mean educate your girlfriend regarding the situation :D

No such luck my friend, and even if I tried women in general (not all) see cars as competition which is unfortunate but I love her so obviously a car is not worth the arguement blah blah blah hurt feelings, la la la. just want a simple easy fix :argue :hifive: :spot

the other pc
02-23-2006, 02:25 PM

So, I guess Tyvek seat covers for her side of the car are out.


02-23-2006, 02:31 PM
I like the Tyvek suggestion. :grinno:

I`ve threatened my mother, on more than one occassion, that I was going to put gloves on her hands before she could even touch my car`s door handle. :hairpull

Seriously though, you might want to try some 303 Cleaner & Spot Remover or a dedicated leather cleaner.

02-23-2006, 03:08 PM
Woolite/water does a good job. So do the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers.

02-23-2006, 03:29 PM
Argh! I know just what you mean! I get so mad when my girlfriend pulls out her handy little travel size hand lotion bottle and goes to town on her hands and arms, then before it has even had time to somewhat dry, she`s laying her arms all over the passenger side door and center console, and using the door handles to get in/out. I`d rather hold her dry, cracked, scaly hands than get lotion smudges all over everything!

02-23-2006, 03:36 PM
Have you tried keeping a bottle of Meguiars interior QD in the car? Perhap you could get to it before it "sets."

02-23-2006, 04:05 PM
I`d rather hold her dry, cracked, scaly hands than get lotion smudges all over everything!

HMMmmmm...though at first that sounds a little repulsive, I`d definitely have to agree with Tyler. :doh

02-23-2006, 04:09 PM
I`m just trying to understand the original poster`s question....

Foundation from my recollection goes on her face......so unless you guys are having the weirdest craziest road sex in the car, how does stuff that`s on her face end up on your leather seats??

and if you guys ARE indeed having crazy road sex, :showpics :D

02-23-2006, 04:39 PM
I had a stupid drunk girl in my car one night, Actually it was my friend, his girlfriend sitting on his lap and the drunk girl sitting on my center console...anyhooo, the drunk one spits out her gum and I sit on the gum. well BIG MESS.

well after initial cursing and panick I used the 1Z leather cleaner after the initial MF and woolite and not a spot left. Still my favorite leather cleaner for quick jobs.

Leatherique going on thius weekend.


02-23-2006, 06:42 PM
I`m just trying to understand the original poster`s question....

Foundation from my recollection goes on her face......so unless you guys are having the weirdest craziest road sex in the car, how does stuff that`s on her face end up on your leather seats??

and if you guys ARE indeed having crazy road sex, :showpics :D

Women actually use liquid foundation and rub it all over their face, and after have nothing to clean their hands with except for nicly kept seats/door. So ....No crazy sex (in the car) just regular old drives over to friends houses and such.

Hope this helps :hifive:

02-23-2006, 07:16 PM
I had a stupid drunk girl in my car one night, Actually it was my friend, his girlfriend sitting on his lap and the drunk girl sitting on my center console...anyhooo, the drunk one spits out her gum and I sit on the gum. well BIG MESS.

hmmmm...........drunk girl on center console....and you drive a boxster which is prolly stick........ :hm :grinno:

02-24-2006, 09:52 AM
not only that, one of the girls was nearly 6 foot tall and the top was up!

the other pc
02-24-2006, 11:15 AM
not only that, one of the girls was nearly 6 foot tall and the top was up!Hers?
