View Full Version : What next?

02-21-2006, 09:04 PM

I have done the following on my Titanium Silver `05 M3

1) Wash with Sonus gloss shampoo

2) Sonus Ultra fine clay

3) Re-wash with Sonus

4) Applied AIO

5) Applied Klasse Sealant for 3 weeks in a row

6) Applied P21S Carnuba 4th week

Should I apply more P21S next week after washing or just wait a few months and then apply some more?

Can I use the Sonus Accrylic Glanz or will it not adhear to the wax?




02-21-2006, 09:08 PM
first off, how does it look? Are you totally happy with the appearance? Im guessing "no" since you are asking whats next.... 1 more layer of p21s certainly wont hurt !! You got to post some pictures of the M3, Id love to check it out.

02-21-2006, 09:16 PM
I`ll post some pics tomorrow. I am very happy with the effort, but not blown away.

I applied the AOI and sealant by hand. I didn`t use my PC. I hope that didn`t detract from the desired effect.


02-22-2006, 10:26 AM
As long as the KSG and P21S went on/off OK (no streaking, etc.) then IMO any deficiencies in the appearance are gonna be related to prep. I sure wouldn`t want to undo all that work, so I`d just gently clay with the Sonus green from time to time and add P21S from time to time. Maybe another coat of wax after every two-three washes or so.

02-22-2006, 11:10 AM
Here are somes photos of my car. I don`t know if you can see much due to the size limitation.

I think I`ll do just washes for a couple of weeks and then put on another coat of P21.


02-22-2006, 11:15 AM
I would reapply p21s every 3-4 weeks and your m3 should look great for a good while. Every couple of months you`re going to want to strip everything and start from claying just to keep the paint in pristine condition.

Next time you might want to try out some UPP instead of SG. UPP has given me really good metallic pop and brightness on silver.

02-22-2006, 11:35 AM
Thanks. Will do.
