View Full Version : Carseat marks in leather

02-18-2006, 05:58 PM
Pulled out the Britax carseat to clean the leather in a 2003 Honda Accord and noticed that the bottom and back of the seat has left a deep impression on the tan leather. The carseat was tightly installed as stated in the manual and has been like that for over a year! How the heck do you remove these impressions?

Thanks, Scott

02-18-2006, 05:59 PM
Let it "rest" and it should come back to shape after a couple days in the sun.

02-18-2006, 06:05 PM
Let it "rest" and it should come back to shape after a couple days in the sun.

Thats what I thought but there are still marks from 6 months ago on the other back seat!.I`m wondering if I should try some sort of heat/steam treatment to try and get the leather and foam behind it to pop back out.

02-19-2006, 01:56 PM

I have the same problem with my Accord`s leather (although with another child on the way, I guess it doesn`t matter). I would recommend something to protect the seat in the future like this seat protector (http://www.babyant.com/bv022085.html). Good luck.

02-20-2006, 02:59 PM

I have the same problem with my Accord`s leather (although with another child on the way, I guess it doesn`t matter). I would recommend something to protect the seat in the future like this seat protector (http://www.babyant.com/bv022085.html). Good luck.

Nice. Didn`t know they made somethinbg with dense foam like that. I used towels to protect the leather from scratches but it looks like I could have benefited from the "indent" protection...

The question still remains, is there any trick to remove or lessen the appearance of the indents?? What do used car dealers do in this case??

02-20-2006, 03:17 PM
These are the seat protectors I use o protect the leather in my Odyssey; http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0001WAO9O/qid=1140474112/sr=1-5/ref=sr_1_5/104-4434546-1127159?v=glance&s=baby

02-20-2006, 06:12 PM
The question still remains, is there any trick to remove or lessen the appearance of the indents??

I`d contact the people at Leatherique (http://www.leatherique.com/), and see if thier product might help. It looks like it might, but they seem to have the expertise to say for certain.

02-20-2006, 07:03 PM
I`ve actually used both of the seat protectors linked to in this thread, and each helped. The second one is better because it keeps spills, etc. from migrating onto the seat. Neither really kept the leather seat wrinkles from happening.

Anyone with a child can attest that you put quite a bit of pressure on those seats when latching them in, so I think some seat creasing is inevitable. I don`t think it looks *that* bad though, and it is in the back seat at least. I just live with it, because anything thick enough to keep the creases from happening would probably compromise the ability of the seat to stay put when it really counts.

02-20-2006, 07:11 PM
I use the Supermat, the first link in this thread, and it seems to help. I think that the creases will eventually relax a bit and go back somewhere near normal. If you are really worried install some additional foam that will provide extra cushioning, but still "grip" the leather seat. A small crease is worth it for the kid`s safety. I actually noticed today that with the seat out in our CR-V it wasn`t that bad. We use the mat underneath, and a towel behind the booster seat.

03-15-2006, 06:29 PM
Has anyone tried this seat protector. I like that it goes all the way up the back of the seat.

Seat protector (http://www.onestepahead.com/jump.jsp?lGen=detail&itemID=325778&itemType=PRODUCT&iProductID=325778&change=117)

03-15-2006, 08:24 PM
The one we have looks exactly like that, but lacks the part that goes up the back of the seat. I would buy that one because having it go the full length is nice. I currently put a towel behind the upper part of the seat to protect.

03-15-2006, 10:22 PM
Thats what I thought but there are still marks from 6 months ago on the other back seat!.I`m wondering if I should try some sort of heat/steam treatment to try and get the leather and foam behind it to pop back out.

You`re thinking is correct, but I wouldn`t dare try this on leather as I would be afraid of the leather melting. If you must I would be very, very careful and use the iron on the lowest possible setting and work quickly. I have never tried this on leather, but I have on carpet.

Having said that, here`s what works when it comes to carpet indents:

Run an iron over a wet white cloth laid over the mark. After around 15 seconds or so, lift the cloth off. The steam should have lifted the pile back up to its original height.

03-17-2006, 07:41 AM
I got the Lionheart seat protector in the amazon link, and it seemed okay. When I removed it a couple of months later to reposition something, I noticed it had left indelible black marks on my white leather. Took a lot of scrubbing to get them out, and they are still faintly there.

I switched to the light gray version of the same protector and haven`t had a problem since. So, be careful of the black ones, especially if you have light colored seats.


03-17-2006, 07:53 AM
Has anyone tried this seat protector. I like that it goes all the way up the back of the seat.

Seat protector (http://www.onestepahead.com/jump.jsp?lGen=detail&itemID=325778&itemType=PRODUCT&iProductID=325778&change=117)

Have you tried this one yet? I gotta do something, because the thoughts of our carseat ruining the seats in my new Yuon is keeping me awake at night! I too have a Britax carseat and when i pulled it out of the Montero that we just raded in, the seat had horrible marks on it!!!