View Full Version : Ozone machine thoughts

The Big Kahuna
02-15-2006, 12:04 PM
I am considering a purchase of an ozone machine. In my research I found this little gem and would like to know if anyone has had experience with this problem?

Questions often arise whether ozone air cleaners are appropriate for use in unoccupiedspaces. They are sometimes promoted to treat homes, furniture, and clothing after fires to remove smoke odors. Ozone is a strong oxidizer that will accelerate the degradation of rubber, upholstery, paints, and other materials. Hence, even when used in unoccupied areas, ozone generators can cause damage to building materials and electronic devices

source: http://www.cal-iaq.org/o3_fact.pdf

jimmie jam
02-15-2006, 12:09 PM
i have heard the same thing. i think that this happens after long/repeated exposure ozone. but if used on a limited bases it shouldn`t be a problem. :grinno:

02-15-2006, 12:32 PM
Id be curious to know what machine you settle one. Ive wanted one just for my own use but the price has kind of kept me away from buying one.

02-15-2006, 01:36 PM
A Ozone machine for your car??? Where??

02-16-2006, 07:19 AM
A Ozone machine for your car??? Where??



John N.
02-16-2006, 09:03 AM
I was looking at several ozone generators from Zontec and Rainbowair last year, but the cons outweighed the pros for me. Here is some information on the limitations of ozone generators from http://www.rainbowair.net/content/limitations.cfm


A. Ozone should not be used a high humidity areas unless dehumidified air is supplied to the generator. Ozone reacts with moisture to create hydrogen peroxide (03 + h20 = h202 and 02). If ozone procedures must be done in high humidity areas bleaching of fabrics and rusting of metals may occur.

B. Ozone oxidizes natural rubber (latex) products. In clothing and or other materials elastic is usually a natural rubber product. Ozone can also dry out and bleach untreated leather products. Very few appliances or products contain natural rubber. Most are made of plastic and are unaffected by ozone. (if in doubt check with the product manufacturer)

C. Ozone in high enough concentrations can be an irritant. Concentrations of 1.0 ppm (parts per million) can produce a sulfur-like odor and may cause headache, and irritation of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. These symptoms should disappear shortly after leaving the exposure area. Ozone should be used in unoccupied areas only when concentrations exceed .04 ppm. If an individual complains of eye, throat, or nose irritation when in the presence of ozone they are likely sensitive to it and should be removed from that environment. Once removed the irritation should subside. Should it persist seek medical advice.

D. Plants and animals should also be removed from areas that are to be treated with ozone.

Note: Professional technicians should never expose themselves or others to concentrations of ozone exceeding 0.04 ppm. If you can smell it in the air, you are above that level. Unlike most other cleaning products, which have caused fatalities, there are no know such incidents attributable to ozone. Used with care and the proper respect it is a wonderful tool for the cleaning professional."

Many auto interiors are high-humidity areas, especially if you have just extracted the carpets. There are several other good ways to eliminate odors without the dangers of breaking down rubber, bleaching / breaking down upholstery, harming leather, rusting metal, etc. If the manufacturer warns about these dangers, I am inclined to believe that there are major risks for long-term (delayed) damage from operating commercial ozone generators in spaces as confined as auto interiors. One of the Zontec machines with the lowest output of ozone is designed to totally deodorize a hotel room in 15 minutes, which would be overkill in a vehice. But many of the ozone generators marketed for use in vehicles claim output at much higher levels. So for now, I am going to pass on the ozone generator just to be on the safe side.

02-21-2006, 06:30 PM
Here is a link from the EPA that you might find interesting.
