View Full Version : Bon Ami on Windowshield

02-14-2006, 06:57 PM
I have searched the forum and see often that bon ami can be used to get water stains off windows. My question is which bon ami do you use?

From http://www.bonami.com/products/:

Bon Ami Polishing Cleanser

Bon Ami’s unique ingredients remove dried on splatters and spills, burned-on grease, baked-on food, and sticky messes.

Recommended by major plumbing fixture, appliance and cookware manufacturers because it cleans without scratching.

Bon Ami Polishing Cleanser is made from calcite & feldspar mineral abrasives, and biodegradable detergent. It does not contain chlorine, perfume, or dye. Bon Ami Polishing Cleanser is offered in supermarkets, small grocery stores, mass merchandisers, and many other stores.

Bon Ami Cleaning Powder

Since 1886—the original formula in the nostalgic can. Defogs windows and mirrors. Cleans and polishes glass, windows, mirrors, porcelain, unlacquered metals, chrome, aluminum, stainless steel, ceramic tile, cast iron cookware, whitewall tires and tools. Natural ingredients contain no detergent, bleach, perfume or dye.

Recommended by allergists because it is pure and gentle.

Bon Ami Cleaning Powder is offered in hardware stores, some small food stores, and mail order catalogs.

It appears I would use cleaning powder, but because this is the less common of the two, I`m checking here first before I make a mistake...

02-14-2006, 07:02 PM
This is an old Hot Rodders trick fram way back in the day. They use the Polishing Cleanser. I went to try it once a loooong time ago and it scared me so I did not use it. LOL

02-14-2006, 07:33 PM
We use Bon-Ami in the labs at school, and it seems to work great without scratching, but that`s when it`s applied in tiny amounts with wet fingers, and it`s rarely used to clean any more than a little bacteria or fingerprints.

Keep in mind that feldspar pieces are harder than glass, so it may scratch. I`d be careful with it just in case, and try it on an inconspicuous spot first.

02-14-2006, 08:11 PM
I saw two guy garage on TV several years ago and they recommended the regular cleaning power. I use if the glass is really in bad shape with 0000 steel wool. Works Great. Otherwise I am too lazy to mess with it.

02-14-2006, 08:53 PM
I recently used some Bar Keeper`s Friend, which I think is pretty much the same as Bon Ami. I wet the windshield then got a sponge and rubbed in the powder very thoroughly. It didn`t really do much aside from giving the glass a good scrubbing. My problem is pitting though, so I can`t comment on scratch-removing effectiveness.

02-14-2006, 09:44 PM
If it says it won`t scratch, that means it`s non-abrasive (according to their claim), so it won`t be able to remove scratches either.

Mr. Clean
02-14-2006, 10:11 PM
I`ve used the Bon Ami Cleanser (I just checked and my container does not say Polishing Cleanser) and IIRC Bar Keepers Friend over the years to clean several really bad windsheilds. I made a paste, worked the paste - using sponges and terry towels - onto the surface and rinsed. It has removed water spotting, dried tree sap, bird poop etching, but not scratches. I haven`t had to resort to that method often, but it performed well enough to rely on it again should the occasion arise.