View Full Version : How do I get armor all off everything...

es four
02-12-2006, 12:19 PM
I took my car to a "high-end" detail place, to find the put armor all on EVERYTHING. All the plastic, vinyl, leather, EVERYTHING. I HATE the shine it left, and I just want to get it off.

What can I do to get all this stuff off my interior?

Thanks in advance,


02-12-2006, 12:23 PM
an apc should take it off. have you tried to buff with a mf?

02-12-2006, 12:26 PM
Yeah, I never did like armor all for the interior, try diluting some castrol APC or Simple green heavy, like 10 to 1 or more, just enough to get the job done, heck 15 to one, even. It doesn`t take much. Also, try looking into some of the better dressings, 303, PB Trim Restore, Adams VRT ect. ect. All of these offer a nice satin loking finish, not greasy, while protecting the surface.

es four
02-12-2006, 12:29 PM
Yeah, I never did like armor all for the interior, try diluting some castrol APC or Simple green heavy, like 10 to 1 or more, just enough to get the job done, heck 15 to one, even. It doesn`t take much. Also, try looking into some of the better dressings, 303, PB Trim Restore, Adams VRT ect. ect. All of these offer a nice satin loking finish, not greasy, while protecting the surface.

Are these products I can pick up OTC, or do I need to order them?

I`ve heard people mixing Woolite with water, would that work to help remove the armorall?

Thanks guys.


02-12-2006, 12:34 PM
Woolite:Water 50/50 will work fine. Hell even dish soap 1:10 with water will work.

02-12-2006, 12:51 PM
welcome to autopia! :welcome

02-12-2006, 01:38 PM
Woolite with water would work, Castrol All Purpose Cleaner and Simple Green you can get in big containers at Wal-Mart. BTW, I highly recommend Castrol APC, a lot of detailers on here swear by it, and when you need something to cut through thick crud on an interior, undercarrage, engine, ect. It really does do a great job, just be carefull, it is rather strong if not diluted, and is rather capable of taking hair off a dog if used full strength. And reallytaking a number on your skin, dilute dilute dilute. 303 you may have a litle more luck getting from a place where you live, an RV & Marine center, ACE might have it, i believe i paid 18 bucks for a rather large spray bottle of it at an RV center near my home. Its a little more pricey than armor all, but WELL worth it, and has a lot of UV protection. The others you will have to order off a detailing site, Autogeek.net maybe?

02-12-2006, 02:06 PM
Just thought of something,....303 has a dealer locator thaet you can try out, they do have a lot of distributors, so you should give that a try.


I`m not going to state that it is the best or anything like that, but a boat-load of people on here swear up and down by it.

02-12-2006, 02:22 PM
As a first step I would try a damp mf towel and buff with a dry one

02-12-2006, 02:35 PM
Just to add another choice . . . I`ve used Meguiar`s Interior Quick Detailer to take greasy crud off of dashboards. It will leave your dashboard looking literally like new. I`ve never seen another product make vinyl & plastic look more like like you just picked up the car.

es four
02-12-2006, 06:18 PM
Thanks a lot everyone, I`m going to give it a shot tomorrow after work.

Thanks again.

02-12-2006, 06:23 PM
Just curious, but did they tell you it was Armor-All? Or, are you referring to the dressing in general as Amor-All. A simple terry towel could be used to buff all the plastic and vinyl to reduce the sheen and remove the residue.

02-13-2006, 07:32 AM
#39 (maybe it`s #40?) aka meg`s interior vinyl cleaner should make quick work of the armor all.