View Full Version : Cloudiness/Haze in P21S Finish? Please Help

02-12-2006, 02:07 AM
Hi guys

Ive been browsing these forums for a while now, being a keen detailer myself, and have come across a problem ive never seen before

My car was buffed with Menzerna Final Polish, then layered with P21S. Immediately after a wax it looks great. But after a few weeks it starts to develop this haze/cloudiness in the surface of the paint. It just wont show up in the pics, but u can see it easily when the sun hits the panel. There are also small blotches where the paint looks perfect. Its definitely not buff marks. The bonnet looks to be the worst hit

Ive tried diagnosing the problem myself. Before buffing with the Menzerna FP, i had around 4 layers of Zaino on the car. The car was buffed around 5 months after applying the Zaino. Could it be that the Zaino is still on the car and reacting with the P21S? If i go over a panel with the Menzerna FP by hand, the cloudiness comes out, but a few weeks after applying the P21S again, and a few washes later, it starts to come back again.

Im using the Zaino Z7 wash, could that be the cause? Im using Pinnacle Crystal Mist QD, but using it on the panel doesnt remove the cloudiness

My detailer has recommended trying Klasse AIO to clean the paint. Has anyone come across this problem before?

Here`s a few pics of the car with P21S after around 6 washes

in this pic you can see some of the haze to the right of the door handle where the sun catches it

bonnet immediately after Menzerna FP and P21S

02-12-2006, 08:47 AM
that is rather odd, you are sure you are buffing everything off well? also you may want to try another wash on the p21s wax, z7 is a really great car wash, but seems to be very tough on carnubas.

i don`t even like z cars and that is gorgeous!!!

a.k.a. Patrick
02-12-2006, 09:12 AM
Im thinking your going to have to give it another final polish. It sounds like the Nuba is hiding some buffing haze, then revealing it again after it has worn off......

02-12-2006, 09:37 AM
I had something similar (alot of hazing) when I applied way too much Collinite IW the first time that I used it. The haze seemed to dis-appear after a wash and a QD (Final Inspection) but came back. What I ended up doing was going over the whole car with IP then FP II. Then a very, very thin coat of IW. VOILA!

You probably have trapped some Z underneath with the P21S and CM. I would just start with that 1 panel with IP or FP or ZPC then P21S and see what you get.

Also, how old is your P21S carnauba?

02-12-2006, 05:58 PM
I am pretty sure too much is being applied then after a few weeks of sun and engine heat, the excess rehazes. Washing it should remove it unless there is actual haze in the paint that wasn`t polished out.

02-13-2006, 01:13 AM
thanks for the info guys

i am leaning to the `too much product` theory. I do believe ive been applying too much product. And its been in the high 30s here in Aus lately, very high humidity, and we do have the harshest sun

ill do the bonnet next time i wash the car with FP and put a very thin coat of P21S on, and see how it goes. Im going to have to do it by hand, ill give my Wolfgang polishing pal a go, prob use the finishing pads though, the polishing pads feel way too coarse

a couple nice shots to show the P21S wetness



02-13-2006, 11:48 AM
You can always take some kerosene and dampen a soft rag with it. Go over the entire painted area. This will remove all waxes and sealants. Then was the car with Dawn dish washing stuff.....And then start all over again. Make sure the PS21 has ample time to cure before applying a second coat.

02-14-2006, 09:31 AM
The Z looks great as always Sam. Best of luck with this haze issue.