View Full Version : Shampoo

02-06-2006, 10:29 PM
A lot of different polishes, sealants and waxes are compared here, but very little about car wash. I know there must be differences, but are they worth it? I have been using Meg. Gold Class for a couple years. Now that I`m reading forums on detailing and looking at vendor sites, I see that I can pay up to $17.95 for 16 oz of Pinnacle Body Works Shampoo, and there may be some more expensive. Is the expensive stuff really worth it?

02-06-2006, 10:32 PM
though ive never used anything very expensive, i have used a couple of the boutique soaps. TOL`s bubble bath and poorboy`s SS&S are both great soaps. I feel that both of these soaps "feel" better than OTC soap. The mitts seem to glide over the paint better, and my foam pre-rinse seems to be more effective when using them in the gun. If this is just wishful thinking, I don`t know, but I think there is a difference between OTC and boutique soaps.

Setec Astronomy
02-06-2006, 10:47 PM
There`s plenty of car wash comparison here. My latest enjoyment on that front is Meg`s GC at $10/gallon at Target.

02-07-2006, 01:12 AM
I`ve come to the conclusion that, within reason, a shampoo is a shampoo and they all basically do the same. As long as it`s slick, suds up well (if you want that) and rinses clean then I don`t really think there`s a lot you can compare them on.

I`ve tried loads of shampoos over the last couple of years (when I became Autopian) and I don`t have a favourite because so many of them are good. At the moment I`ve settled on Hyper Wash because it lasts forever, and produces a nice slick wash.


02-07-2006, 01:21 AM
if it was affordable to use with as many cars as i wash weekly/bi-weekly, i would use nothing but p21s. i am in love with that stuff. z7 is second, but i pretty much exclusively use gold class and nxt due to local availability and price.

02-07-2006, 07:09 AM
I use NXT and I`m happy. :)

The water is hard here, so NXT`s water softeners really help. I don`t think you`re missing out on anything using GC. Lots of people use GC and love it.

And as far as "is it worth it", well everyone has their own opinion. NXT does everything I need, so I`m not looking to switch. If GC is doing everything you need, why switch (esp. if you have to pay more?)?
