View Full Version : What do you admire more?

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01-29-2006, 12:20 PM
Ok guys , what do you admire more. The daily driver that is 3 years old lives in an area that get ice and snow travels on salt covered roads and still looks like new or better than new. An example would be the several Mustang Cobras that I see owned by members here.

Or, the garage queen, new or almost new, is only driven on good days and lives in a perfect enviroment, warn and dry.

I`ve gotten tired of seeing the posts like, look at my new M3, Porsche, Lambo. It has 12 miles and last night I put 5 coats on Z on it. What do you guys think?

Yeah I think it looks good, but I also think it would look just as good if you have used Zip Wax.

Not knocking any Lambo guys but what do you admire more?

Man this Sunday without football is killing me, too much aggression and no outlet.

01-29-2006, 12:30 PM
The daily driver gets my vote.

01-29-2006, 12:33 PM
Ok guys , what do you admire more. The daily driver that is 3 years old lives in an area that get ice and snow travels on salt covered roads and still looks like new or better than new. An example would be the several Mustang Cobras that I see owned by members here.

Or, the garage queen, new or almost new, is only driven on good days and lives in a perfect enviroment, warn and dry.

I`ve gotten tired of seeing the posts like, look at my new M3, Porsche, Lambo. It has 12 miles and last night I put 5 coats on Z on it. What do you guys think?

Yeah I think it looks good, but I also think it would look just as good if you have used Zip Wax.

Not knocking any Lambo guys but what do you admire more?

Man this Sunday without football is killing me, too much aggression and no outlet.

Daily driver for sure. it takes a lot more skill to keep that thing in nice shape.

01-29-2006, 12:41 PM
A show car is nice to look at but a clean daily driver shows that an owner takes care of his ride

01-29-2006, 01:03 PM
I admire both as they face different challenges but those cars which are show cars and driven daily, I am awestruck

01-29-2006, 01:08 PM
I like the daily driver. If I had a Lambo., It`d still be my daily driver. If I`m gonna buy it, I`m gonna drive it.

BTW, since we get no football this weekend I`m watching WVU basketball. Not as exciting, but it fills the void.

01-29-2006, 01:10 PM
Daily Driver...Although my car is a garage queen :lol ....


01-29-2006, 01:23 PM
Daily Driver...Although my car is a garage queen :lol ....


Now thats what I`m talking about... you car doing donuts in a snowy parking lot takes it out of the garage queen catagory! Its a real car!

01-29-2006, 01:28 PM
I`d have to say the daily driver. The amount of work that goes into making look as good or better than the garage queen is reason enough to get more respect.

01-29-2006, 05:57 PM
A very clean ordinary car draws my attention just as much as a show car.

01-29-2006, 06:26 PM
Well, yeah, the dd is more impressive when kept really nice. But it`s not like garage queens don`t take work to keep detailed to a certain level too. If I did the JXS with Turtle Wax it sure wouldn`t look the way it does. But it doesn`t look any better than it did when I used it as a dd. I don`t really treat my garage queens any differently from my dds and most people couldn`t tell the difference. OK, the dds have all been wrecked and the paintwork wasn`t done perfectly, but that`s about the only difference.

As I`m finding out with my new-to-me `84 RX-7, even low miles don`t guarantee an immaculate vehicle. The previous owner never cleaned under the hood, let alone doing anything to the undercarriage. It`s a garage queen mileage-wise, and he kept great records of how he cared for it, and it won a few local shows for him. But it`s just awful compared to, say, my dd minivan. So far I have 12 hours on the RX`s undercarriage and I`m just getting started down there. If I put 12 hours into the *entire* minivan it`d be ready for a very serious car show.

01-29-2006, 07:10 PM
daily driver, at least we all have the chance to take a look at them on the road. i dont tour too many peoples garages that have clean cars. i always see the dirty ones and leave em clean.

01-29-2006, 09:26 PM
anyone with a can of turtle wax can have a garaged car that only see`s the light of day look great. I think the true detailing enthusiasts are those that can keept a well maintained look on cars that are used on a daily basis. To deal with bugs, dirt, pollen, fallout, etc etc etc and still have the car look better than factory new shows that the owner takes pride in his vehicle. This is why I would choose the daily driver in your choices :-D

1 Clean WS6
01-29-2006, 09:58 PM
Accumulator hit the nail on the head...low mileage non-daily driven status does not guarantee excellent condition.

I am actively involved in the show circuit and have seen plenty of low mileage, trailored garage queens with paint worse than my wife`s DD Honda Civic!! :nervous2:

Process and products will always dictate how well a car looks.

01-29-2006, 10:02 PM
Daily driver that is also a show car. ;)