View Full Version : My Steps in detailing and WASH MITS...And what is 2 bucket Method?

01-27-2006, 03:34 PM
So I just finished my big detail a week ago and that consisted of...

Wash :Outside Meguires

Dry :Inside Microfiber

Clay :Inside Mothers

Wash :Outside Meguires

Dry :Inside Microfiber

Scratch Remover: Inside 3M finesse-IT Orange PAD

AIO :Inside Klasee White PAD

SG :Inside Klasee 3 coats....

Wax :Inside Pinacle

Now I want to obviously keep my perfect finish but I feel that the wash mits that I have been buying at kragen, target and other places are just not that good.

So I have 2 qustions for you guys.

#1 What would be the best wash mit and where to buy it?

#2 What is this 2 bucket method I keep hearing about?

Any other tips for me are open to the board, I am just intrested in getting better.


01-27-2006, 03:56 PM
So I just finished my big detail a week ago and that consisted of...

Wash :Outside Meguires

Dry :Inside Microfiber

Clay :Inside Mothers

Wash :Outside Meguires

Dry :Inside Microfiber

Scratch Remover: Inside 3M finesse-IT Orange PAD

AIO :Inside Klasee White PAD

SG :Inside Klasee 3 coats....

Wax :Inside Pinacle

So I have 2 qustions for you guys.

#1 What would be the best wash mit and where to buy it?

#2 What is this 2 bucket method I keep hearing about?

A lot of folks here when claying just skip your first "dry" step ... in other words, wash, clay, wash, dry.

In regards to question 2, the two bucket method is simply using two buckets when washing ... one bucket for your wash solution and the second bucket for your rinse water. By rinsing your mitt, sponge, etc. in the separate rinse bucket, you are reducing the likelihood of contaminants getting into your wash solution and then marring your car when washing it.

01-27-2006, 03:59 PM
Hello & :welcome

to Autopia the forum

to help those who want to achieve the next level of SHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now here some answer from a prior post regarding wash mitts

Wash mitt (http://autopia.org/forum/showthread.php?t=65138&highlight=bucket+method) ...Know remember that is a loaded ? because most have different taste like food....so some may prefer sheepskin other prefer microfiber,cotton and soo on..

since the two bucket was mention you also want two buy two grit guards for your bucket this may also help grit guard (http://www.gritguard.com/gallery/index.htm)

01-27-2006, 04:34 PM
A lot of folks here when claying just skip your first "dry" step ... in other words, wash, clay, wash, dry.

In regards to question 2, the two bucket method is simply using two buckets when washing ... one bucket for your wash solution and the second bucket for your rinse water. By rinsing your mitt, sponge, etc. in the separate rinse bucket, you are reducing the likelihood of contaminants getting into your wash solution and then marring your car when washing it.

I actually like drying because water spots drive me crazy, even if I am going to AIO after. Not only the water spots, but dust collects in the standing water, hence when I go to dry the car it will essentially being rubbed over the surface.

Thanks for both your guys responses though! :woot:

Any other info reguarding mits would be great!


01-27-2006, 05:47 PM
since the two bucket was mention you also want two buy two grit guards for your bucket this may also help grit guard (http://www.gritguard.com/gallery/index.htm)

And I thought this (http://www.gritguard.com/gallery/pages/inusetruck1.htm) was how the two-bucket method was supposed to be done!

Grit guard seems like a good idea. This (http://www.gritguard.com/gallery/pages/howitworks.htm) is how it works.

I couldn`t find something like that OTC locally, so I went with a bucket screen (http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=40315-000000159-BR001&lpage=none), and just rake my sponge (I prefer sponges to wash mits) over the screen on the way in and out of the bucket. It`s meant for squeegeeing off excess paint from a paint roller when using a 5-gal. bucket to hold the paint (much handier for large projects than those little paint trays (http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=40352-000000159-BR402/LR402&lpage=none)).

I also color coordinate my buckets. "Ace Hardware Stores" white bucket for rinse, and "Home Depot" Orange for soap. No casters, though. That`s fancy! :hifive:

01-27-2006, 05:51 PM
Any other info reguarding mits would be great!

Lots of previous threads on mits. Suggest you use the search function, and check the Autopia Reviews (http://autopia.org/reviews/) on wash mits and sponges (http://www.autopia.org/reviews/censura.php?tsid=1&csid=74ada8fae3796766722a372052a4df2b&cmd=browse&category_id=29).

01-28-2006, 01:05 AM
Lots of previous threads on mits. Suggest you use the search function, and check the Autopia Reviews (http://autopia.org/reviews/) on wash mits and sponges (http://www.autopia.org/reviews/censura.php?tsid=1&csid=74ada8fae3796766722a372052a4df2b&cmd=browse&category_id=29).

I actually did SEARCH and my specific qustions were not being fully answered , thats why I created a thread :2thumbs:

But thanks for that info, Btw Im not new to the search functions I have 2 other forums that I post on daily :)


01-28-2006, 06:02 AM
I actually did SEARCH and my specific qustions were not being fully answered , thats why I created a thread :2thumbs:

Funny. I didn`t see a specific question. :think: I saw:

Any other info reguarding mits would be great!

and using the search feature, I found lots of information on wash mits. Perhaps if you`d be more specific about what you want to know, we could be more specific in our answers.

I flunked mind-reading, buddy. Sorry.

01-28-2006, 11:00 AM
Cosmom3,... for "other tips" you might try the "California water blade", if used correctly it will really quicken your drying time and prevent a lot of water spots, especially in warm/ dry conditions.

01-28-2006, 12:10 PM
i found it`s best to use a white bucket for your wash and solution therefore you can determine if all your dirt is staying in the rinse bucket. When i do this and the client shows up, he can see that i`m using clean water to wash his car. Oh I use QEW

01-28-2006, 07:55 PM
Funny. I didn`t see a specific question. :think: I saw:

and using the search feature, I found lots of information on wash mits. Perhaps if you`d be more specific about what you want to know, we could be more specific in our answers.

I flunked mind-reading, buddy. Sorry.


Sorry Bro, I didnt mean to come off like a pr!ck, I simply didn`t find my specific qustion answered.

I appreciate your time searching for an appropriate answer for my qustion and hope I didnt offend you :woot:

So today I went out and bought a sheep wool mit, so I will be using it for my next wash (tomarrow before autox) :)


Im also looking for a grit guard at local stores but have come up empty thus far. :work:

01-28-2006, 09:08 PM

Sorry Bro, I didnt mean to come off like a pr!ck, I simply didn`t find my specific qustion answered.

I appreciate your time searching for an appropriate answer for my qustion and hope I didnt offend you :woot:

No prob. I only saw a general question, and there`s lots of general information on mits in the forum already. You were never specific about what you found lacking. In other words, after reading all the information, what did you want to know? Like "how do synthetic and natural wool work differently, and how do I tell the difference?" Or "which brands mar the least?" Or "What`s the difference between the $2 wool mit at Wal*mart, and the $20 wool mits I see on-line?"

So today I went out and bought a sheep wool mit, so I will be using it for my next wash (tomarrow before autox) :)

That`s great! Now that you`ll use it, you can relate what you like and dislike about it, and maybe someone will be able to suggest a mit that works more like you want it to!

Good luck at the AutoX. It`s good fun. I used to do it ~15 years ago, back when I lived in the SF Bay Area. Here in Jacksonville, FL, there aren`t any local AutoXs to go to :-(.

Im also looking for a grit guard at local stores but have come up empty thus far. :work:

I couldn`t find one OTC either. I think your best bet is either at a professional cleaning/Janitorial supply store, or on-line. That`s why I settled on the bucket screens.

Griot`s (http://www.griotsgarage.com/catalog.jsp?L1=L1_1000&L2=L2_1001&SKU=66070) has a nice rectangular bucket with a similar dirt collection system in the bottom. $40, and then they have the nerve to want you to fork an extra $24 for the casters! Too rich for my wallet. Both buckets and both bucket screens cost me less than 1/2 of what they want for just the casters. And then multiply x2 if you want to do the two bucket method (and I do suggest going with that). :soscared:

All the best,

01-28-2006, 10:28 PM
No prob. I only saw a general question, and there`s lots of general information on mits in the forum already. You were never specific about what you found lacking. In other words, after reading all the information, what did you want to know? Like "how do synthetic and natural wool work differently, and how do I tell the difference?" Or "which brands mar the least?" Or "What`s the difference between the $2 wool mit at Wal*mart, and the $20 wool mits I see on-line?"

That`s great! Now that you`ll use it, you can relate what you like and dislike about it, and maybe someone will be able to suggest a mit that works more like you want it to!

Good luck at the AutoX. It`s good fun. I used to do it ~15 years ago, back when I lived in the SF Bay Area. Here in Jacksonville, FL, there aren`t any local AutoXs to go to :-(.

I couldn`t find one OTC either. I think your best bet is either at a professional cleaning/Janitorial supply store, or on-line. That`s why I settled on the bucket screens.

Griot`s (http://www.griotsgarage.com/catalog.jsp?L1=L1_1000&L2=L2_1001&SKU=66070) has a nice rectangular bucket with a similar dirt collection system in the bottom. $40, and then they have the nerve to want you to fork an extra $24 for the casters! Too rich for my wallet. Both buckets and both bucket screens cost me less than 1/2 of what they want for just the casters. And then multiply x2 if you want to do the two bucket method (and I do suggest going with that). :soscared:

All the best,

Lol cool, glad to hear I didnt make a mistake in my conduct 3 posts into the site :)

On that note, I really didnt know there was a difference between really soft wool that costs $8 (like the one I bought yesterday) and the one that costs $20 online. I thought that was just kind of a mark-up since other auto freaks go to a detailing sites and are willing to pay top dollar for "the best" product.

So what how would the $8 sheep wool mar my paint anymore than a $20 dollar one online? And the brand from for the sheep wool mit I just bought is called "Vroom"

Thanks for all the other info to! I will def will check this out.




01-30-2006, 07:01 AM
Oooh, I can answer that one. The mitts I bought from Walmart have pine needle seed type imbedded in them! I don`t know what they are exactly. Some type of seed, I`m guessing. There`s too many of them to pick out one by one. Believe me, I tried.