View Full Version : Betco Push question... John Sharp or Anthony?

05-12-2003, 08:10 PM
someone recommended this product for an odor remover, but I am not sure who..., I "think" it might have been John Sharp or Anthony, but not sure.
Well, I purchased a gallon today and it looks like it is for plumbing...,
Any suggestions on how you used it...,
I didn`t read the container until I got home, I just took your word for it:)

Anthony O.
05-12-2003, 08:19 PM
Hey Wayne,

I have been racking my brain (which is a boring chore) and I don`t believe I recommended that product since I myself have never heard of it:confused:

I usually use "odor bombs" for odor removal. That and apair of old gym socks:eek:


05-12-2003, 08:26 PM
Do a search for Betco Push. You will find two posts. This one, and the one you are looking for.:)

05-12-2003, 08:35 PM
Thanks for the search idea..., I didn`t even think of it, LOL!
OK, it was John...,
well, can you tell me how you used it?
I would appreciate the heelp:)
I tried to get the citrus stuff you recommended, but they only sold it by the case..., not exactly what I want to get just to try something out. I don`t mind getting a gallon..., but a case..., not for testing, LOL!

John Sharp
05-14-2003, 05:09 PM
Hi Wayne,

Yeah it was me. I would have posted sooner but I was out of town for a few days and I just got home. I suggested the Push. I know the bottle has a picture of plumbing pipes on it but I have used it to treat odor in carpet with success.

I cleaned the carpet in my Aunts house awhile back and the cat odor was AWFULL! It was disgusting and the odor remained after I cleaned the carpet. I took the PUSH and diluted it in my pressure sprayer and I sprayed a fine mist on all the carpet. I let it dry and the next day I noticed a significant change in the odor of the house.

The Betco rep gave this tip to me when I happened to meet him in the supply store where I buy the stuff. He suggested that it is usefull on pipes with odors and many other uses also and he claims he know other detailers whop use it for interiors. I dont remember how diluted I made it but it was his drections that I followed and with what remained of the mixture I have used some of it on a few cars that had lousy odors from food spills.

I will look at the shop tomorow to see the dilution ratio I followed since I cant remember at this moment.

Im sorry they wouldnt sell you a gollon of the Citrus Chisel. The guy I buy from will sell it any way I want. I have even seen 50gallon drums of it in his warehouse. lol

Best regards,

05-14-2003, 05:25 PM
Thanks John,
I appreciate the info:)

When I came home and noticed the "pipes", I thought I had the wrong stuff, LOL!

Sounds like a great concept..., use as Rid-X and as an odor eliminator for carpets. I also thought about using it in air conditioner ducts, etc.
The dilution rate would be VERY helpfull, since I don`t have a clue:)

I will probably get a case of the citrus chisel when I run out of degreaser, ( I have many gallons of degreaser and just wanted to try something new).
It seems everytime someone mentions a product..., "I jus gotts-ta try it", LOL!!!
Is the "chisel" better than the purple cleaner?
Does it work good "under the hood" without harming the finish, aluminum, etc?

John Sharp
05-15-2003, 07:07 PM
Hey Wayne,

I love the Citrus Chisel for engine cleaning. I have never had trouble with it on the hoses or metals but I probably wouldnt douse a Corvette engine with it without carefull testing first. lol

I use it to clean wheel wells and tires. It leaves tires really clean and black which I love. I have also used it on tar and tree sap on the paint. I am always carefull to wash all the residue off after I do this but so far no problems have come up.

You asked about the "purple stuff". Are you talking about the stuff Betco calls Kemite or something like that? I believe Betco claims the Kemite is the strongest degreaser they make but I havent tried it on a car. I have used that stuff to clean oil stains off concrete and its pretty powerfull stuff straight out of the bottle!


05-15-2003, 08:25 PM
Thanks for the info.
I will be trying it when my "stock" runs out..., in bout a year:)
I wonder how it would work on vinyl siding?
The "purple stuff" is made by several manufactures, Castrol, Coastal, Wal Mart purple cleaner(can`t think of the name), and several others.
I am not familiar with the betco purple cleaner.
Thanks..., again:)
Do you have the dilution rate for "push" and "chisel"?