View Full Version : Griot`s now has a paint sealant

01-27-2006, 10:26 AM
I say "now" but for all I know it has been out for a while. I was just browsing through their website and saw it the other night and thought to myself that I hadn`t heard anything about it here on the forum. I know what the general consensus about Griot`s stuff is (for the most part), but I was just curious if anyone had tried it and what their thoughts about it was.


They`ve also now got a "Spray on Wax" that I hadn`t seen before.

I will say that their handbook sure is fun to look through. It`s the closest thing to any real literature I have come across that goes into any detail about products and processes corresponding with our hobby, although, of course, it just highlights Griot`s stuff.

Setec Astronomy
01-27-2006, 10:32 AM
This was covered here: http://autopia.org/forum/showthread.php?t=61786&highlight=Griot%27s+Sealant

Hey, Moe!
01-27-2006, 10:36 AM
They have been offering it since last summer, I believe. It was meant to be used with a "spray-on wax" that they offer. The idea is to use the sealant as a one-step product twice a year or so, and the spray-on wax periodically to "perk up" the look.

I bought some before I became an Autopian, and tried it on my girlfriend`s minivan. I immediately realized that the stuff couldn`t handle the moderate swirling on the van, so I ended up using a dedicated polish and an LSP.

Yes, Griot`s does go into in-depth product descriptions, but I now rely on this site for unbiased descriptions.