View Full Version : Been gone for awhile...Sealant opinions on red audi

01-25-2006, 08:34 PM
I have recently purchased a red 2001 audi s4 and the paint has been kept in very good condition. There is some swirling, but they are light and there are no scratches. I haven`t been on this site for almost a year, so I haven`t kept myself updated on new products etc. I have menzerma IP and FP, zaino z-2, z-5, zfx, and mother`s claybar kit. However, these products are old, the zaino is not the newer generation sealant. The zaino looked wonderful on my black grand prix, but I`m not sure how it will look on the bright red of the audi. I want it to look glossy and very bright, glimmering in the sun. Should I stick with the zaino or is there something else that you would reccommend I purchase for spring?

01-25-2006, 08:42 PM
if you cannot get it to look good with those products your preparation process would be the reason why.

Even the old Zaino Z2 is a terrifc product. have been using the last of mine these last few days. looks good to me.

01-25-2006, 08:44 PM
i have not tried anything at all, that is with zero product and washed a day earlier. I am just asking if there are reccommendations for something that will bring out the look I am asking for, or if the products I have are more than enough.

Mad iX
01-25-2006, 08:48 PM
Looking at the title I was going to say AIO/FMJ.

However, since you already have some nice products, you might as well go with those first and see if you like it.

01-25-2006, 09:39 PM
I personally like z5 much more on red cars than pro, so have at it :) z5 is slowly becoming my favorite z product again.