View Full Version : Just An Idea

01-23-2006, 06:40 PM
Hey guys, I was just thinking about about this earlier today.

I have more than around half a dozen or more waxes/sealants (Natty`s/#16/UPP/Glanz/Liquid Souveran/etc).

Everytime I want to switch LSP`s I come here to find out the best/easiest way to apply it (even though there are simple instructions on the product, sometimes there are BETTER ways in applying them).

I`m basically wondering if someone has compiled their own list or is willing to help out in making a compilation of the BEST instructions/suggestions for applying/using these products (LSP`s, polishes, anything else). I don`t mean anything fancy, a simple excel product list, what the product should do (reflexive look, wet, slick), and the instructions.

Someone here has posted a great link to his own site where he shows the aggressiveness of many different polishes.

This would make it a lot easier for me (and I`m sure a lot of mobile guys) if we had a list or sheet posted with the best way in applying our products, instead of running to computer, searching and reading.

I wanted to make this list myself, but I just started Nursing school and don`t have very much free time (and when I do have some I waste it on here!!!).

What do you guys think?


01-23-2006, 07:58 PM
most products can be applied in mostly the same way. As long as you apply thin with overlapping passes, you should be good to go. After a while you`ll come to know what kind of look each product will give. For instance, I know for wetness RMG + natty`s will give it to me. Or metallic pop, AIO + UPP.

Hey, Moe!
01-23-2006, 08:06 PM

Not to get off topic--just wanted to say "good luck" in nursing school. My sister and brother-in-law are both RNs, both in the trauma field, and I must say that nurses are a truly special breed.

I do believe that you will get some good replies from the "all-stars" here. I`m still a rookie!

01-23-2006, 08:10 PM
most products can be applied in mostly the same way. As long as you apply thin with overlapping passes, you should be good to go. After a while you`ll come to know what kind of look each product will give. For instance, I know for wetness RMG + natty`s will give it to me. Or metallic pop, AIO + UPP.

I agree, for the most part I know the general way to apply some products.

But I know with some waxes you can wax the whole car and then come around and start buffing and everything comes off easy.

While with others, such as #16, I figured I`d do that since I`ve done that with other waxes and it was a pain in the @ss to take off, if I had come here before I had applied it, I would`ve known to go panel by panel.

01-23-2006, 08:11 PM

Not to get off topic--just wanted to say "good luck" in nursing school. My sister and brother-in-law are both RNs, both in the trauma field, and I must say that nurses are a truly special breed.

I do believe that you will get some good replies from the "all-stars" here. I`m still a rookie!

Lol thanks for the good luck, the first week wasn`t bad, but I can tell things are going to start steamrolling soon enough, won`t have much time to take care of my beautiful baby :(

or my girlfriend, for that matter.

01-23-2006, 08:21 PM
I`ve used #16 twice. First time I applied to the whole car, and it was a major PITA to take off. I applied it too thick. Next time I applied to the whole car, and it came right off. I think you may be applying too thick :-/

01-23-2006, 08:36 PM
That probably was it, but I also found it easier to apply to one panel, then another, after the second panel, buff off the first panel, then apply the third panel, then buff off the second one, and so forth.