View Full Version : AIO or SRP as base for EGP?

01-18-2006, 04:13 PM
I`m planning on using Autoglm`s EGP as my second to last step (gonna top with Souveran) on my black Subaru. I already own AIO and EGP, but no SRP (don`t ask!! :D) and I`m wondering if there`s any point in purchasing, and using, SRP (will it produce a better result?) or will AIO be just fine as a base for the EGP?


01-19-2006, 05:47 AM
I have no experience of AIO, but I do of SRP and the reason I haven`t bought AIO is because there were a number of British guys that did side-by-side tests on the two, and while they are very similar the verdict seemed to be that SRP was easier to use, had a more agressive cleaning function (i.e. it is VVmild abrasive where AIO is pure chemical cleaner) and if it was left on it`s own, then it had slightly better durability. For me, I look a lot for ease-of-use product, so i didn`t bother buying AIO.

Also - I`m not sure if the two products are made to work with each other - I mean I have used SRP and EGP a lot (my go-to for winter protection on my silver BMW 3series), but I`m not sure if you would get the same effect with AIO / EGP - not sure if there would be issues.

That said - have a go and see what happens

good luck.


Mad iX
01-19-2006, 08:50 PM
SRP works well but dusts a bit even when applied by hand. Works well on swirls, though.

If you don`t have to worry about polishing, then AIO will do fine. It`s got abrasives ime, but they`re so light they hardly do anything.

EGP will work fine over AIO. Just about anything does.

01-20-2006, 10:01 AM
Can`t help with the "EGP over AIO" as I`ve never tried it. But I`ll confirm that the abrasives in SRP are so mild as to be hardly there at all. I must use it very gently, but using the PC or Cyclo, I don`t even get it to remove swirls on my Jag`s soft lacquer :nixweiss

FWIW, I did side-by-side comparisons of VM, AIO and SRP, testing their cleaning abilities. Much to my surprise, the AIO cleaned a *LOT* better than the SRP even though its not as abrasive. Both cleaned better than VM. I had expected the SRP to clean the best, but there was no escaping the difference. I still sorta like SRP the best though...

Oh, almost forgot- the SRP can stain some trim and/or leave some white residue whereas the AIO doesn`t. Nothing awful, but worth noting.

01-20-2006, 02:34 PM
Can`t help with the "SG over SRP" as I`ve never tried it. .......

FWIW, I did side-by-side comparisons of VM, AIO and SRP, testing their cleaning abilities. Much to my surprise, the AIO cleaned a *LOT* better than the SRP even though its not as abrasive. Both cleaned better than VM. I had expected the SRP to clean the best, but there was no escaping the difference. I still sorta like SRP the best though...

Accumalator, it`s actually Autoglym`s Extra Gloss Protection I`m planning on using, not SG. So I kinda thought there might be a synergy between like products that would be worth considering, as opposed to mixing and matching (AIO/EGP).

What was it about SRP compared to the other two that you liked?

01-20-2006, 02:43 PM
For me AIO seems to clean alot better, and work much better on oxidisation.

The SRP is more abbrassive polish wise, it does seem to clean up minor marring better though, and does fill abit I think.

I normally use which ever suits the state of the paint I`m working on.

EGP seems to hold up as well over AIO as it does over SRP here. I use it over both often.

01-20-2006, 02:52 PM
EGP seems to hold up as well over AIO as it does over SRP here. I use it over both often.

Thanks, Rich, that`s exactly what I was looking for. :) Do you notice any difference in the look?

01-20-2006, 06:31 PM
Accumalator, it`s actually Autoglym`s Extra Gloss Protection I`m planning on using, not SG. So I kinda thought there might be a synergy between like products that would be worth considering, as opposed to mixing and matching (AIO/EGP).

What was it about SRP compared to the other two that you liked?

Heh heh, I was thinking one thing and typing another :o I realized I made that mistake when I was taking a shower of all things! I was thinking about which to use on one of my upcoming projects.

I like the stuff the SRP leaves behind and I like the weird smell of it, which some people just hate. It fills minor flaws better than AIO. For some reason I just never really took a liking to VM, can`t even tell you why.

SRP topped with a heavy wax is my #1 combo for other people`s cars that I`m not gonna knock myself out on.