View Full Version : OMFG...the gheyiest

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01-16-2006, 09:14 AM
Look at those Backward Street Boyz. OMFG :scared: Any detailer here has those hair cut?

Check it out. (http://www.sherdog.net/forums/showthread.php?t=322041&page=1&pp=20)

01-16-2006, 09:28 AM
Jersey blowouts...what else is new :).

01-16-2006, 10:03 AM
Those pics have chopped to death on another board that I frequent...very funny stuff.

01-16-2006, 10:05 AM
Haha that picture must get around, I saw it on CRSX a couple months ago. I don`t think its all the hairstyle per se, but their overall style. They look like their in HS with popped collars on nice shirts, fake tans decked out with bling bling saluting with a beer even though their underage. Gotta love Jersey and all the guidos-in-training :woot:

btw I have a similiar haircut to them although mine isn`t nearly as long as them.

01-16-2006, 10:17 AM
I love the responses more than the picture.

But that`s also a Long Island growing up Goddi look too.

Careful with the Jersey comments Sean! We all know of your spikey, highlighted haircut ;)

01-16-2006, 10:40 AM
I love the responses more than the picture.

But that`s also a Long Island growing up Goddi look too.

Careful with the Jersey comments Sean! We all know of your spikey, highlighted haircut ;)

I wasn`t going to say anything, but that is so true! :D :D :D

01-16-2006, 10:43 AM
Haha that picture must get around, I saw it on CRSX a couple months ago. I don`t think its all the hairstyle per se, but their overall style. They look like their in HS with popped collars on nice shirts, fake tans decked out with bling bling saluting with a beer even though their underage. Gotta love Jersey and all the guidos-in-training :woot:

btw I have a similiar haircut to them although mine isn`t nearly as long as them.

We need to see a picture. If you look athing like that, then :banned:

01-16-2006, 11:01 AM
That`s funny, I saw that posted on Bimmerforums just last night. I thought of posting it here. The p-chops of those pics are hilarious. From what I`ve read, they are a bunch of brothers from Albania. :lol

01-16-2006, 11:22 AM
Careful with the Jersey comments Sean! We all know of your spikey, highlighted haircut ;)

Oh bs :lol:...Haven`t had such a style in years...I`m pretty sure I remember the picture I put up.

You`re right though, it`s a NY/NJ thing...Mainly around the 5 boroughs do people have a very similar style.

01-16-2006, 11:32 AM
www.leehotti.com ....good laughin there

WARNING! Some ads on that site are not safe for work. I don`t mind the occasional topless lass gracing my monitor, but my boss might. :D -- Tort

01-16-2006, 11:42 AM
www.leehotti.com ....good laughin there

Brilliant :D

01-16-2006, 01:20 PM
Wow, who knew there were pictures that could summon laughter, confusion, and rage all at once! Each page leads to even stupider pictures. :lol

Favorite quote! member=necrocide...

"Richard Simmons sucking the cream out of a Twinkie is less ``` than that picture."


01-16-2006, 01:59 PM
:LOLOL too funny.

01-16-2006, 02:19 PM

WARNING! Some ads on that site are not safe for work. I don`t mind the occasional topless lass gracing my monitor, but my boss might. :D -- Tort


Sorry bud! I guess I got caught up in the heat of the moment (no pun intended) :chuckle: .

01-16-2006, 02:56 PM
"Richard Simmons sucking the cream out of a Twinkie is less ``` than that picture."

:grinno: Hysterical!