View Full Version : Will shaving cream remove wax?

01-14-2006, 12:25 PM
im curious if anyone knows for certain if shaving cream would remove wax layers. i prepperd my car for winter with klasse AIO and about 2-3 layers of Klasse SG.

this morning i woke up to my dad telling me, my car was covered in shaving cream ( :angry ). i had a police report made out as a paper trail cause u never know, today shaving cream tomorrow spray paint or something...

any input? i know the safe route would be to just reapply. but its winter and i dont have a garage... but i dont want the clearcoat & paitn ot be exposed to all the salt and **** i get on a daily basis...

Setec Astronomy
01-14-2006, 12:35 PM
I`m just guessing, but I don`t see why shaving cream would take off SG, or any other LSP for that matter. It`s probably got some mild emollients and cleaners (soap), so it shouldn`t be too different than car wash (sort of :p).

01-14-2006, 01:08 PM
yeah, I don`t think Shaving Cream would be all that strong either. Plus, you`ve got some pretty serious protection on your car that could probably resist stuff as strong as Dawn.

01-14-2006, 01:32 PM
i was thinking similarly, but wanted to get some other opinions.

01-14-2006, 01:42 PM
As long as it didnt bake on in the sun I would think youd be ok.

Corey Bit Spank
01-14-2006, 01:45 PM
Who did you make mad?

01-14-2006, 02:11 PM
When I first went to university (many many years ago) one of the guys in my hall of residence turned up in a brand new VW Golf. His parents had loads of money and sent him off to Uni with a new car.....

A few of the guys there (I was not one of them) took a dislike to the fact that he had this brand new car and went out late one night and wrote obscene words down the sides of the car, over the hood and roof. And they used shaving foam to do it.

The owner was seriously unimpressed the next morning when he looked out of his window and saw very graphic language painted all over his car.

He was even less impressed when after he washed the shaving foam off it turned out that it had removed the clearcoat from his paint and he was then left with the same words pasted on his car in a matt finish.

I`d go ballistic if someone put shaving foam on the paintwork of either of my cars.

01-14-2006, 04:11 PM
as far as i can think, i havent pist anyone off or had any drama...

its been misty & raining since before the sun came out and washed most of it off, after the cop made the police report i ended up washign the tiny left overs off with just water.

man would i be pist if that **** took of the clear coat.

01-14-2006, 05:35 PM
man would i be pist if that **** took of the clear coat.

Don`t worry.

imported_Dave Holmes
01-15-2006, 05:56 AM
I guess it would depend on the type. When I was in the Corps, we used shaving cream to strip the Kiwi shoe polish from our boots. That way we would have a virgin surface to start layering it on again. The menthol kind seemed to work the best. We used a fingernail brush to work it in. So I don`t know if it was the shaving cream or brush that removed most of the polish. It just seemed to make a big, black semi-gooey mess. I don`t know how it would fair against a sealant.

Just to be safe, I`d wash properly and check how the water beads. Then go from there.


01-15-2006, 10:06 AM
well waterbeads like crap cause its dirty as hell throughout most of winter...

but i went out and checked out a spot with some detailers spray where i def know there was shaving cream and it still looks like liquid paint when clean. so im thinking everything is kool. defintly far from a matte finish. :woohoo:

thnx everyone :xyxthumbs

Ed Fisher
01-15-2006, 10:50 PM
I`d worry if I knew the sucker who did it decided to shave the car next time with a razor ! :D

Jokes aside; nope I do not think shaving foam would hurt your paint or wax coat...