View Full Version : problem pics, need advice

01-13-2006, 02:05 PM
okay, my car has some paint issues, i tooks pics. help!? what do i need to do / have done? how urgent is it that i fix this? i dont want permanent damage, i seriously doubt ill ever repaint this car, but its appearance is very important to me. does anyone know someone in phoenix area that will do a good job for a good price?

minor dents



trunk paint



roof paint



roof problems



someone hit me at school



good looking paint



01-13-2006, 03:23 PM
roof aint looking good is it?? someone has hit it with a buffer before, you can see where they hit the black trims

01-13-2006, 08:37 PM
wow... thats just a tad bit of oxidation... And that spot on the roof, that would be clearcoat failure. You can probably save most of the car with a deep chemical cleaning and then running a series of abrasive polishes to bring the shine back, but damn, that`s gonna be alot of work. As stevo said, that trim is shot. The damage on the back quarter panel is going to either need the panels replaced or have them taken off the car and then banged back into shape. They`re also going to have to be repainted because the scratching is thru the paint and it`s too large to touch up. You can probably get it too look decent again, but there are going to be defects present without a repaint.

01-13-2006, 09:00 PM
Poor Maxima... :(

Yeah that`s some nasty oxidation my friend. That`s what happens when a car is poorly maintained. You can remove that oxidation pretty easily with something like Klasse AIO. That spot on the roof could very well be clearcoat failure, and there is very little that can be done to improve that blemish.

01-14-2006, 02:34 AM
i dont know how to do that. and i dont have the equipment. what should i do?

01-14-2006, 10:42 AM
i dont know how to do that. and i dont have the equipment. what should i do?

If your not skilled at painting, take it to a professional

01-14-2006, 11:04 AM
i dont know how to do that. and i dont have the equipment. what should i do?

Unless you`re willing to spend a good bit of time and money learning for yourself, just take it to a pro.

Setec Astronomy
01-14-2006, 12:08 PM
The front of the car was repainted? That roof and trunk looks pretty rough, that might just be oxidation, but it looks like the whole clearcoat is failing to me.

01-15-2006, 03:22 PM
i dont know of any part of the car that was repainted. i pretty much looked like this when i got it. the front area is all messed up too, i didnt take pics of that. it looks like the previous owner had the front of the car sand blasted with <monty python> very small rocks </>. i found some under the bumper lights when i took them out to switch them to clears. the car could use a repaint, but theres no way i can put 2 grand into paint. i plan to have it for a while, but the car is only worth 8 and i still owe 6

does anyone have any recommendations for where i could take it? any idea what i should ask them to do? how much are we talking about? ball park is fine, im not going to hold anyone to it.

01-15-2006, 07:59 PM
I would post a thread in the regional forums for wherever you`re located. There might be a member here who could help you out.

If you were a client of mine, and that haziness is merely oxidation, I would do the exterior for $60. It will probably be more than that if you take it to a professional shop. I just do detailing as a hobby, so I don`t think too much about making a good buck, and I detail for friends/relatives that have no plans to take their car to a professional. They just like watching me do my thing on the car.

I`d say you could expect to pay ~$100 for a complete exterior job.

And those pics where you say "good looking paint"...don`t flatter yourself. That paint needs work. When you have to take pics at an angle that acute to get decent reflections/gloss, that tells you that the paint has a lot to improve on.

01-15-2006, 11:08 PM
And those pics where you say "good looking paint"...don`t flatter yourself.

haha, yeah. it was more a comparison than anything. it should have been: "good" paint