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01-12-2006, 11:47 AM
So I placed an order at one of the online sites I frequent on occasion. Just stocking up on a few products to add to my ever expanding arsenal. The UPS man rings my doorbell with a rather large package in his hands. My first thought was........" Geez, I only ordered a few things & surely the box should be smaller ". I sign for the package & proceed to open it up. Right on top are the products I ordered. Opened the bottles just to take a whiff of my new "detailing juices".............just some stuff I`ve never tried before. ( come on now.....admit it......we all do this, right? lol ) I sift through the box & find a colored pad & a pc backing plate that I didn`t remember ordering. Cool!! I just love freebies! I check the enclosed invoice & there`s no backing plate/ pc pad entry. I scan down to the bottom of the invoice & sure enough.........The total amount matches the amount I paid when I placed the order. ( under $50.00 ) I reach back into the box & sift through the packing materials only to uncover a white & red box. Out loud, I say... "Hey......that looks like.........nah, can`t be....... must be an empty box to prevent crushing while shipping.......what the..........not empty.......kinda heavy.......... YOU`VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!........." Are you ready for this?????? It`s a brand spank`n new PC 7424! LET ME SAY THIS AGAIN.........."IT`S A BRAND FREEK`N NEW PORTER CABLE 7424"!! F.......R.......E......E..... PORTER FREEK`N CABLE 7424"!! I now have a backup PC. Can you believe it? I swear on my Father`s grave that this is a true story. I feel like I`ve hit the lottery. :woohoo: :woot2: :waxing: :bolt :clap: :getdown :getdown :spot :hide:

01-12-2006, 11:55 AM
Who sent you that?!?! I wonder if it was a mistake? LOL

01-12-2006, 12:03 PM
That is the best thing that i`ve heard all day. You are one lucky guy, what a way to start the new year.

01-12-2006, 12:10 PM
It`s not a website that`s often discussed here at Autopia. In fact, I rarely see the "free PC for me" site even mentioned here.

01-12-2006, 12:22 PM
I`m not trying to be a d*** or anything, but if I received something that expensive that I did not pay for, I would contact the seller and tell them about what happened. "What goes around comes around" for me is not only a saying, it is the way I live my life.

01-12-2006, 12:23 PM
Clearly this must have been a mistake. I honestly think the right thing to do is call the company and tell them what was in your package. IMO this is like finding a wallet on the street with the license still in it. Then taking the money in the wallet and keeping it. You know who this PC belongs to and I highly doubt it`s you. I think you should offer to send it back (at their expense of course).

01-12-2006, 12:26 PM
In response to the 2 previous replies: that`s exactly what I`ve done. I just email them about 2 minutes ago. I`m awaiting their reply. By doing the right thing my concious will be clear!!

01-12-2006, 12:35 PM
Who knows, maybe they will appreciate your honesty and let you keep it? :D

01-12-2006, 12:36 PM
In response to the 2 previous replies: that`s exactly what I`ve done. I just email them about 2 minutes ago. I`m awaiting their reply. By doing the right thing my concious will be clear!!

Great!! :2thumbs: I didn`t get the impression from your earlier posts that you were thinking of doing that. I`m glad to hear I was mistaken.

Setec Astronomy
01-12-2006, 12:48 PM
I would almost guarantee you get a "finder`s fee" for that...as was said, they might even let you keep it. I`m sure, as was mentioned, it was supposed to be in someone else`s box.

01-12-2006, 12:59 PM
Okay folks.......here`s the update. My concious will be clear!!! Here`s the whole story. On 1/6/06 I ordered up the Pinnacle Twins Special Offer from Pinnaclewax.com. Once again, just something new to try out. I just got off the phone with Meeghan at customer service over at Pinnacle. I asked her if they were giving away free PC`s. After she stopped laughing nervously, I told her the story of how I received a "free PC" today with my order. She`s sending me a UPS return label & I`ll be sending back the PC in the next day or two. No "freebies" were offered to me in return for their mistake & to be quite honest with you.......I really wasn`t looking for anything in return for my honesty. I choose to keep my integrity in tact & my concious clear. But I do have to admit.........For a second there, I thought about keeping my mouth shut!!! (lmao)

01-12-2006, 01:13 PM
Good for YOU!!

Takes a good man to do what you did :xyxthumbs

But I must admit that I was jealous of you for a moment. Now I am proud of you. :D

01-12-2006, 01:21 PM
Good story...

You should go play Lotto tonight :).

01-12-2006, 01:33 PM
If that happened to me I would have kept the PC. That is probably terrible to say and it says alot about my character but I really want a PC. Something like this happened to me when I ordered a new computer a few years back. UPS dropped off everything but the next day came back with a second monitor so I gave that one to my parents.

01-12-2006, 01:52 PM
Sean: You`re damn right I`ll be playing the lottery tonight! (lol) I might even go to the bar & try and get me some! (lmao)