View Full Version : My Water Sux

01-08-2006, 12:18 PM
Hello all,

I once again have a nice ride and I will be fussy about it.

The problem here in Florida is I am on a well and the water has SOOO many minerials in it that when washed it leaves a horible film. Is my only solution to go the carwash like you do when you are in an apartment??

I just moved from SC and there are things in Florida that are way beter but the water definately isnt one of them.

What to do??


01-08-2006, 01:09 PM
It leaves a film even why you dry it completely?

You could always use a QD after each wash.

Or use QEW with distilled water each time. You can use as little as 1 gallon per wash.

01-08-2006, 01:31 PM
I`d just get some filters and a softener. I`d do it for reasons other than detailing anyhow.

01-08-2006, 01:44 PM
1. Sue florida

2. Do you live in a home? You can probably get by with a inexpensive hose filter at the least (sort of like the Mr Clean Autodry one).

3. Sue florida.


01-08-2006, 07:21 PM
I have to deal with Florida`s hard water also. Even when running through a water softener, I still get crazy water spots all over the car in a very short amount of time. QDing works great to get off everything off.

01-09-2006, 10:06 AM
I agree with Accumulator. Try a water softener and or various filters to address your water problems first. I use a simple inline water softener that can be regenerated with ordinary water softner salt (Boji filter). It has standard hose fittings and can be hooked-up directly inline with your car wash hose.

You might also want to consider the CR spotless DI systems to use as a final rinse after washing your car. CR Spotless (http://crspotless.com/) If you do a search, there are several people here that are quite happy with their systems.

01-09-2006, 10:52 AM
I live in Florida as well. I have a water softner, but the problem that I still have is the salt content. Everything rusts that you spray with the water. I go to a car wash and wash by hand. So far that has worked out for me, but I rather be able to wash my car at my own house! :furious:

01-09-2006, 11:07 AM
Rainbow- I`m using Potassium Chloride in my garage softener instead of regular softener salt. It`s still a "salt" but I haven`t had any rusting problems from it (note that my Jag rusts pretty easily). Also, make sure your softener is doing a full rinse cycle (I do an extra-long one with both our softeners).

We`ve gone over softeners on some other threads, they might be worth looking at if anybody`s planning on doing something about crappy water.