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01-08-2006, 04:35 AM
I`m engaged! :woohoo:

The g/f... er.... fiancee, set the date as October 7th. She`s been planning everything, and, of course, I`m in charge of the honeymoon & finding a house for us to live in once it`s all over.

Serious question though: Any advice on keeping people away from my car? I defintiely want to take my car to the wedding so we can drive off in it, but I would kill myself if I walked out to find the Z28 covered in "Just Married!" paint/shoepolish (which I`m sure would somehow get splashed onto the paint) and who knows what other tacky post-wedding vehicle decorations.

Maybe I`ll just use my car cover, as it has attachments for cables w/ padlocks on the bottom to secure it to the car, but it would be a pain to have to QEW/QD it before putting the cover on. Maybe I`ll just park around the corner... :chuckle:

Though, now that I think about it, it wouldn`t cost all that much to hire an armed guard for a few hours :LOLOL

01-08-2006, 06:02 AM
I know when i got married the first time all my college chums would have covered my car to the max if I had parked my car at the church.

I asked my best man(older brother) to take us away from the church in his car. He drove us to the location of our car and then we went on our honey moon. Was not interested in cleaning up a car on that particular day.

01-08-2006, 06:39 AM
Get a rental! I spent 6+ hours a few months ago when "friends" decorated the grooms car with window chalk! Congratulations! My sister got engaged right after Christmas as well. Have parents or a best friend drive you the the reception and back home! Or better rent a limo!

01-08-2006, 06:54 AM
Absolutely rent a car or borrow the best man`s!

01-08-2006, 07:34 AM
Just seriously threaten to kill everyone if they touch your car. It worked for me but I`m kinda nuts too. All they did to my car was shut streamers in the trunk and the doors so I got lucky.

01-08-2006, 08:29 AM
Just seriously threaten to kill everyone if they touch your car. It worked for me but I`m kinda nuts too. All they did to my car was shut streamers in the trunk and the doors so I got lucky.

That`d be great. Get up on stage after everyone is there, fire up the mic, and say...

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, the wedding will begin shortly, but I would just like to say that if anyone touches my car, they`re dead. No, I mean, dead. I`ll find you, and I will kill you. Thank you for your cooperation." :getdown

01-08-2006, 09:38 AM
I`d do the limo or rental car thing, personally. :chuckle:

:bestwish: and congratulations

01-08-2006, 04:16 PM
That`d be great. Get up on stage after everyone is there, fire up the mic, and say...

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, the wedding will begin shortly, but I would just like to say that if anyone touches my car, they`re dead. No, I mean, dead. I`ll find you, and I will kill you. Thank you for your cooperation." :getdown

Umm, actually thats kinda how it went. I told everyone at rehersal that I would kick thier A$$ if they touched my car.

01-08-2006, 04:30 PM

01-08-2006, 05:32 PM
:getdown :getdown :getdown CONGRATULATIONS

That`d be great. Get up on stage after everyone is there, fire up the mic, and say...

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, the wedding will begin shortly, but I would just like to say that if anyone touches my car, they`re dead. No, I mean, dead. I`ll find you, and I will kill you. Thank you for your cooperation." :getdown

:hm uh dont know bout ur friends but if I was to :furious: about not touching my car i think i know what would happen... :think2 they would all *touch it* then :bolt ..def rent a car, they would think 2wice bout doing it to a rented car,,rent a viper or something..that would be hot

01-08-2006, 07:33 PM
congrats -- rent a limo for a couple of hours.

also, get a pre-nup agreement! (it`s like car insurance -- you never plan on using it, but in case you get into an accident, you`re covered).

I learned the hard way and I`m still paying for it!

01-09-2006, 08:40 PM
Congrats and get a limo. :)

Oh yeah, are we invited to the reception and is it open bar?

01-09-2006, 10:41 PM
Borrow a beater and drive it to where your car is hidden.

01-10-2006, 07:37 AM
Another vote for the Limo, leave the driving to someone else, you got other things to think about ;)


01-10-2006, 08:06 AM
Congrats on the wedding !!! I would say rent a "luxury" car.. A big ole boat if you will !!!