View Full Version : Review: Meguiar`s Ultra Safe Spoke Brush

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01-07-2006, 01:47 PM
Product: Meguiar`s Ultra Safe Spoke Brush


Price: $6.99

Manufacturer`s Claim:

Our Ultra Safe Wheel Spoke Brush has been designed to safely and effectively clean all areas of the wheel, including hard-to-reach crevices. The flexible bristles bend and adjust to tight areas while the brush itself has enough freedom of movement to enable cleaning behind the wheel. The safety tip on the end of the brush prevents accidental gauging or marring of your wheel`s finish.

Usage: I used this brush in conjunction with soap and water to clean the inner rims and between the spokes on my latest detail (the rims were pre-soaked with APC).

Overall Thoughts and Notes: The brush is pretty long which makes it good for reaching all the way to the back of the inner hoop of the wheel, and the bristles are flexible enough to squeeze between tight spokes or the brake caliper and rim. Overall, I was pleased with the performance of the brush until the handle fell off. It was quite an inconvenience seeing as I was only on the second rim and the brush was brand new. As long as the handle stays on, it`s a good brush.

I`ve sent an email into Meguiar`s about it, and I`ll report back on their response and handling of the situation.

01-07-2006, 01:56 PM
Sorry to hear about the handle. I have found this to be a great brush to clean inner wheels, better than the EZ-Detail brush. It is sturdier.

01-07-2006, 03:28 PM
I have one and found my handle is loose but if you watch what your doing you can stay ahead of it falling off.. But you have those HUGE wheels so i can see what you mean about cleaning them.

01-07-2006, 03:42 PM
ZaneO- Thanks for the review, hope Meguiar`s takes care of you (that didn`t last long!). The handle broke off my EZ brush after a lot of use, but I was still able to use it by holding the wire core. Not great, but it spared me from having to get out my spare in the middle of a detail.

.. better than the EZ-Detail brush. It is sturdier.

Could you elaborate? I`ve been using the EZ brush for undercarriages and the insides of wheels that I`m not too particular about (marring-wise) and I find its wire core sorta loses rigidity near the handle after it gets bent a few too many times.

How do the two brushes compare with regard to softness/etc. of the bristles and length?

01-07-2006, 03:53 PM
Hey Accum - The EZ brush`s wire back bone is too wobbily. It easily bends whereas the Meguiar`s has a stiff back bone. The Meguiar`s doesn`t do that. Your wire core rigidity analysis does not occur with the Meguiar`s.

The Meguiar`s bristles are a bit stiffer than the EZ brush. The EZ bristels are a bit longer too. The Meguiar`s bristles go down to the base of the handle unlike the EZ brush. It will get into tight spaces like between the rotor and inside wheel similar the EZ but won`t bend like it (that`s where the bending is a good thing with the EZ).

If you`re concerned about the marring on the inside of a wheel (besides needing therapy!) you`ll need another brush. I can`t guarantee it won`t mar.

I use it on all the cars I detail whose whose inside wheels are completely filthy. I use it on my folks cars and haven`t noticed any marring unless I peek in with a flash light!

Shoot, I got it for $5. It`s worth a look.

01-07-2006, 04:01 PM
Spilchy- Thanks for the infomative reply. Heh heh, yeah, it might be a bit much to care about marring in there, but, well, you know how I am about that on some of our vehicles :o Not an issue on at least one set of wheels, so maybe I`ll give the Meg`s brush a try. I usually end up cleaning the backs of the spokes by other means anyhow, so not fitting between the spokes and the calipers isn`t all that big a deal to me.

It just figures that in order to avoid the core rigidity issue I have to contend with an increased chance of marring :rolleyes: But with the way most people let their wheels get (let alone the interest most people have in the finish in there) I bet the Meg`s brush *is* a good step up from the EZ for normal people.

01-07-2006, 06:31 PM
Yeah, I tried just holding on to the metal core...ended up impaling my finger.

I think as long as the handle stays on, the brush could be a very helpful tool.

01-07-2006, 06:48 PM
Man, I *really* prefer the EZ brush myslef. I find that the Meguiars brush is too short and that the bristles do not hold as much "solution."

The rigidity of either brush is a nonissue for me.

I have had one EZ detail brush break at the handle, but TOL warrantied the brush and shipped me new one.

01-08-2006, 06:24 AM
Just to chime in on the Megs brush. I love it. It reaches in and behind the spokes on my wheels better than any other brush I`ve used. I`ve not had any issue with the brush now for some 6 months of regular weekly use. It is holding up well. I like the fact that it is long enough that I can bend it into an "L" shape and clean the back of the spokes as well. The bristles are just the right length. No scratching and it holds a lot of foam. I use a dedicated solution of NXT Wash for this cleaning. Good wheel brush, IMHO.

01-08-2006, 06:36 AM
I`ve had one of these for a couple of months now and I reckon that it`s only going to last a few washes more. They`re really not built to last. The rubber tip on the end of mine is split and falling apart and the bristles are really getting worn out now. (I`ve probably only used it 6-8 times)

I would say though that I think it`s a good bit of kit. Really lets you get to the back of the wheel and it sure does so without damaging anything.

01-08-2006, 07:49 AM
I like my meg`s spoke brush. Thin enough to get into intricate wheel spoke designs (even those found on mexican cars... the 100 or so spoke ones) and also long enough to clean the part of the wheel behind the spokes. I haven`t had any problems with my brush dying on me though. Granted the spokes themselves are a little bent, but I`ve used it alot in the month or so that i`ve had it.

01-08-2006, 10:00 AM
I have had one EZ detail brush break at the handle, but TOL warrantied the brush and shipped me new one.

Never thought to call Irene about a replacement, thanks for mentioning it. In the case of the first EZ I got my money`s worth, but if the current one breaks too soon (well, too soon IMO) I might call her.

01-08-2006, 12:31 PM
Mine is pretty lightly used and the tip is shot. Now I have to be extra careful when I use it. If only I could find one local and not have to order it.

01-08-2006, 01:45 PM
If only I could find one local and not have to order it.

I was just in Kmart the other day and they carried the entire Megs accessory line. I also have seen them at Pep Boys.

01-08-2006, 02:10 PM
Pep Boys doesn`t carry all of the accessories and the Spoke Brush is one of the one`s they don`t. I might get up the nerve to go in Kmart as I feel the same way about them that I do Walmart as they both seem to ALWAYS be crowded. Thanks for the tip!:)