View Full Version : Just forgot to tell the story

Ed Fisher
12-31-2005, 12:37 PM
I did a "monumental mistake" today... I took one of my "MF sponge pads" (10 by 20 inch pieces of sponges covered with MF towels. Made in France for Carrefour and sold for some $ 2.50 *** I invested in approximately 25 of them since wife uses them for household jobs too ***) I spritzed it with my Meguiars Quik Detailer and started wiping to find out that the paint was "hazing into a weird rainbow" !!! I all of a sudden twitched when I realized what the heck I was doing : I used the pad which I regularly use for the trim protectant / dressing !!! :soscared:

Remember we were making fun with our bloopers ? I did the worst and unthinkable !!! :(

I had a great time rubbing with Isopropyl alcohol... I am happy I messed up only the roof... I of course sealed and waxed after that... :o

12-31-2005, 01:56 PM
I don`t feel so bad about the mistake I made a month or so ago then. It`s a little dumber though.

Anyway, it was one of the last nice days of the year, so I dragged out the bucket & hose and gave my black focus a wash. Finished up, and went to dry. My drying method was to blot the paint with terry cloth towels, being sure not to move them, to absorb most of the surface water, then wipe the paint with a microfiber that I was holding in the other hand to remove the rest.

Well, someone came outside and started talking to me. While we were talking, I dried the roof, one quarter panel and the hood. Then it hit me that I was wiping the car with the terry cloth! :scared:

Needless to say that black car really could use a polish right about now... :furious:

12-31-2005, 10:51 PM
the worst mistake I`ve made? I decided to wax the golf cart with some gold class to get rid of the bottle. Not paying any attention, I ended up "waxing" the golf cart with endurance tire gel. That was interesting to say the least...

01-01-2006, 08:57 AM
the worst mistake I`ve made? I decided to wax the golf cart with some gold class to get rid of the bottle. Not paying any attention, I ended up "waxing" the golf cart with endurance tire gel. That was interesting to say the least...

Hahaha, that`s hilarious. I bet it was...uhhh....shiny. Hey, at least that nice grape fragrance would stick with you on the course.

Hey, Moe!
01-01-2006, 09:47 AM
Did anyone yell, "You da man!!" after you teed off?

01-01-2006, 06:32 PM
I don`t golf, it`s my dad`s toy :D The only reason I figured out it wasn`t GC was that it wouldn`t buff off. All it did was smear. It did bead quite nicely though when I washed it with apc :D

01-01-2006, 06:39 PM

I used my WW MF drying towel to wipe brake dust from a dirty wheel.

01-01-2006, 06:52 PM
how the heck did you pull that one off? WW`s aren`t even similar in look to any other towel but another WW :confused:

01-02-2006, 12:58 AM
You win. All I did was mistake car shampoo solution as a QD spray. Although I did once brush my teeth with hair wax (was in a tube)