View Full Version : 50/50 ISO or QD to remove DACP/SSR2.5?

02-09-2005, 09:10 AM
Do you guys use 50/50 iso or QD from Meg and other fine products?
I was wondeing if I can mix 10:1 AIO in a spray bottle?


02-09-2005, 09:54 AM
why would you need anything to help remove those products:dunno if worked thoroughly they should come off fairly easy with just a good mf towels

02-09-2005, 10:22 AM
Thanks for the reply Steve. Maybe I didnt explained correctly.
What I`m trying to explain is.... if you were using the yellow cutting pad w/#83, after couple of passess(almost done). You will get alot of left over. That`s what I`m trying to say. You guys use QD to remove the remaining correct?

02-09-2005, 10:40 AM
Having only used DACP a couple of times, I`m certainly not an expert, but.....
After any paint defect correcting product such as DACP, or Meg`s #9, my next step is my cleaner/polish. Could be AIO, PwC, UPC, S100 SEC, whatever. I then finish with my LSP.

With a sealant I have used the following process.
Meg`s DACP, (only if needed), Meg`s #9, Klasse AIO, 4 Star UPP.

With a wax:
Meg`s DACP, (only if needed), Meg`s #9, Poorboy`s PwC, S100 Carnauba.

I just wiped off any DACP residue with a MF towel.

IMO, any clean up needed should be taken care of by the paint cleaner.


02-09-2005, 10:44 AM
I agree with Steve, If correct amount of #83 is applied and worked properly, there should be nothing more than a slight dust residue remaining on the paint. This will wipe up easily with a clean MF. If you do find leftover residue that doesn`t want to come off, Meguiars #34 Final Inspection will do the trick. Poorboys Spray and Wipe should also work. Do not use a QD that leaves silicones or oils behind, because that can interfere with the products used in the next step of the process.

02-09-2005, 11:35 AM
i agree that a the product should be worked in properly that way u shouldn`t have any left over. but in the case that u dont wanna work in the products for a long time, i think a quick detailer is best... i read somewhere on the tutorials that using water/alcohal helps remove left over residue a lot but also dries the finsh. and makes application/removal of following products a pain...

but i think a paint cleaner like aio, ssr1, ect shopuld clean it right up.

02-09-2005, 07:07 PM
Thanks again. I do have AIO and other paint cleaner. I might try #34 and see. So QD is no good huh?

02-09-2005, 10:14 PM
For 5 bucks you could buy Megs 1st step paint cleaner at any auto part store.