View Full Version : Convertable top fold marks, at my wits end.

12-29-2005, 01:47 PM
Are there any suggestions as to how I can get these out if its possible via cleaning and scrubbing?

I have a customer who has a 2001-02 CLK conv its that light blueish greenish color with the dark blue canvas top. I use the 303 ragtop cleaner and protectant it cleaned up real nice but those blasted fold marks keeps the customer from leaping with joy over the newly cleaned top. She asked me if I can get them out I told her I can work with it with each express detail that I give her. I explained that those marks aren`t dirt its just the places where the canvas rubs against itself since she uses it alot, hence wear marks that developed over the course of time. At any rate regardless I assured her that I will continue to see what I can do.

I`ve scrubbed and scrubbed just to show her that its not dirt (her first thought).

My question, is there anything I can do without causing any damage to her top?

Passing thoughts I had was, scubbing the fold marks with a small real stiff toothbrush type? Go to a upolster shop and ask about a small referbishing kit of some sort or ask about home correction techniques I can use?

The fold marks aren`t real bad or gotten to the point to where they are shinny lines, but I see it getting to that point over time.

Your thoughts on this would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

12-29-2005, 02:46 PM
So, when you say "fold marks" you`re not referring to a crease in the top, but rather a line in the top where the color has changed/faded?

12-29-2005, 02:59 PM
Yes exactly. I`m thinking if I brush those lines with a small stiff brush maybe just maybe I can raise the fibers enough for the line to come out/go away..my fear of course is damage in my efforts, not causing the top to fray in those spots you know.

12-29-2005, 03:12 PM
I think the best course of action is to check with your local convertible top shop and see what they suggest. Personally, I think this might be some type of wear that can only be fixed by re-dying the fabric or replacing the top. Alternatively, if the owner puts the top down when it`s wet it could be mildew. It`s really hard to say anything without seeing the top in person.

12-30-2005, 07:37 AM
Thanks for your input, I think its faded in those spots just like how jeans do when worn. I`ll check with a shop.