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  1. Hitachi FSV13Y or Bosch PEX400AE?
  2. 3m pads, anyone use them?
  3. fastest shipping to canada dewalt 849 ?
  4. Swirl City!
  5. PC 7336 stock pad...
  6. 8" Edge 2K On A PC7424
  7. Pads
  8. edge2k 6" pad review
  9. which pads to use
  10. Which Pad to Use with SSR2.5?
  11. Help in Phoenix Area
  12. PC maintenance?
  13. PC 7336 problem
  14. Which Counter Weight on PC7424 With Edge 2K 6" Pads?
  15. Bought my PC and a Chicago Rotary today!
  16. Manufacturers Pad colors
  17. Which pads to get
  18. Is this what I have and where do I go
  19. Black & Decker purchased Porter Cable?
  20. Porter Cable for $ 159 CDN Canadian Tire
  21. quick question about the pc 7424
  22. PC vs. Oribital (aka, is ddetail wrong?)
  23. edge black pad for rotary
  24. cyclo brushes
  25. pc pads
  26. What do you think?
  27. Getting ready to order PC 7424 and pads, got a few quick questions...
  28. Autogeek 7424 kit..... Should I buy it?
  29. new to buffing
  30. What do yall suggest???
  31. finally purchased the porter cable 7424
  32. PC question
  33. PC 7424, what deal would you recommend??
  34. New to machine polishing....
  35. Mini-Review: Metabo 12-175 Polisher
  36. Edge 2K Adapter Failure
  37. Just bought PC
  38. Pads
  39. Got a PC! and a prep question...:)
  40. Wool vs. Foam pads. What`s better?
  41. Problem powering my rotary
  42. Great prices on LC pads
  43. Thinking about buying a porter 7336...
  44. PC7424 heating up??
  45. cleaning pads
  46. Newbie with a new PC need guidance
  47. Am I ready for a rotary?
  48. New PC with wolfgang pads????
  49. New 7424 oozing a little lubrication
  50. little confusion on a PC backing plate and pad options