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  1. #1
    Spilchy's Avatar
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    Hi guys. I`m going to order the Finish Kare decontamination products to use. (I`ll pick up a can of Pink wax while I `m there).

    I am very interesetd in trying them out and I have a test vehicle - my father`s BMW. He has some sort of grit that is bonded to the surface. It is over the ENTIRE car. The dealer, free of charge, sent it to a body shop where they lightly wet sanded the WHOLE car They did a nice job polishing it out too. I was impressed. However, a couple spots still remain.

    I had tried clay, solvents, rotary and it still remains. Granted I didn`t use a true compound with the rotary.

    ANYWAY, whether the FK system will work or not is to be seen.

    My question is, does anyone have any tips I should be aware of? Do I need goggles and protective gloves? What if either step 1 or 2 dries on the car? Is it ok for rubber trim, plastics, etc...

    Basically, any feedback on proper use or a heads up regarding anything would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks :xyxthumbs

  2. #2

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    I have the FK decon kit sitting and waiting on me to finally get around to using it. Unfortunately, I may not get to it until late July. But, I do have a list of supplies I`ve already bought that I think I will need.

    The stuff I did buy will only be used for mission decon. You don`t want to get any chemical contamination in your normal detailing tools. I got some cheap chenille wash mitts and definitely some latex rubber gloves with a longer cuff to proect your skin. I think goggles are a little overkill, but you may want some standard plastic safety glasses. Consider getting a cheap plastic gallon bucket for mixing the soil remover. The steel remover states to use it directly, no diltuion.

    The instructions definitely state to not let steps 1/2 dry. If that did happen, I would just rewash the affected areas with the neutralizing shampoo. I see no way to completely avoid rubber/plastics but it would probably be prudent to try to minimize any contact time with steps 1/2.

    Definitely post your results/experiences whenever you have finished the decon.

  3. #3

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    Spilchy- Having only used the AutoInt system, I`ll be very interested to hear how things turn out.

    Having been royally flamed by FK fans for even *suggesting* that the two systems might be similar, I hesitate to say *anything*, but yeah wear gloves and safety glasses. Keeping the vehicle wet isn`t a big deal, just use common sense (no hot vehicle, no sun, etc.) and add more of the product if it looks like it`s drying out. I didn`t have any trouble keeping the minivan wet.

    You might see what the FK folks say about claying while the acidic step is dwelling. This works well with ABC. And I avoided trim and glass as best I could, but again, my experiences are entirely ABC-based so I hesitate to assume anything.

  4. #4
    Hooked For Life Bill D's Avatar
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    Do feel free to discuss ABC as much as you want. We`re on flame patrol

    From what I understand, a notable difference between the two is that FK does not contain oxalic acid,unlike ABC. FK has a substitute, supposedly "safer" substitute. I thought also it was rumored that FK might be "the original" decon system and ABC might be modeled after it. Only a tale AFAIK so :nixweiss
    Treat it like it`s the only one in the world.

  5. #5

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    Bill D- Yeah, the stuff you`ve heard is pretty much the same that *I* have heard. Somebody also questioned the actual/functional differences between the two acidic products in question, but I`ve forgotten far too much chemistry to know if any of the discussions about it are correct. I do know that it sure didn`t damage anything on any of *my* vehicles

    Over on MOL, people have posted a bit about these systems just recently, including that they`ve damaged trim, especially (I gather) on not-new vehicles. Also, one person reported that he finds the FK acidic step to be less user-friendly than the "B".

  6. #6

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    Spilchy, did you order that stuff yet?

  7. #7

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    I`d suggest to visit Finish Kare`s own forum @, or take a look on their Brochures section, with lots of useful info.

  8. #8

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    Bence--Thanks for the link to the FK forum. I didn`t even know it existed.

  9. #9
    salty's Avatar
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    I used both systems in the last week, minus the 883 of FK. I am not going to say one is better than the other and i hope to post on my findings in the next couple days. First time for both.

    Wear protection, if i recall the ValuGard is PH 1.2 or 2.2 and 11.4 which is pretty extreme.

    I also found that it doesn`t remove as many contaminates as i was to believe, so i don`t know if it will remove your problem.

    And big thanks to BigLeegr for the samples of FK and other goodies. :2thumbs:

  10. #10

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    If you omit a step (883) you have not performed the procedure. If you dont include jelly to PBJ its not PBJ.

  11. #11
    salty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winston Wolf

    If you omit a step (883) you have not performed the procedure. If you dont include jelly to PBJ its not PBJ.

    Sorry but i like just PB sandwiches.

    The car that the FK was done on was almost new, so i was not looking for any visual improvement. It was done for a trial, as i waited for ABC. I never reposted because i did not do the whole system.

    BTW FK 1119 smells like sh*t.

  12. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by salty
    BTW FK 1119 smells like sh*t.

    :har: Well...I wouldn`t say it smells like that, but I think it has an offensive petroleum distillate odor, which lingers and lingers.

  13. #13

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    I`ll admit that 1119 does fume a bit and it should be used in a well ventilated environment. I use it outside and have never had any odor problems. What impresses me about FK1 #1119 is how clean it makes the paint surface. If I want to get a surface really, really clean prior to compounding, polishing or waxing I will wash first with #1119 followed by #118SC. Soil, wax, grease, tar, oxidation just dissolves from the surface. I have never seen anything like it especially anything that dissolves oxidation away.



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