I live in the Pacific Northwest and due to the damp weather at least 9 or more months out of the year moss can grow on cars left outdoors except all over not just on the north side like trees.

Many cars I have seen have moss on the edges of the exterior portions of the door seals, around mirrors, anywhere where there are tight seams.

I got in an S-10 Xtreme pickup that has half inch thick green moss growing on the edges of the fiberglass body kit pieces. I have never seen anything like it.

OKAY I`LL GET TO THE QUESTION: How is moss best removed from seams, rubber window edge seals and in this case body kit seams? I use commercial bleach based products on my driveway but I would not use it on door and window seams and definitely not a body kit seams/edges. I have used all sorts of commercial cleaners with no luck, the yellow green moss/mold still remains especially on rubber. HELP! I have not tried any biodegradable product like Simple Green or Bio-Green Clean but figured if harsher chemicals don`t work they probably won`t either.

P.S. It will soon be pollen season here and pollen sticks just like moss to all the same areas of cars that I mentioned.